Chapter 22: EMIYA

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Chapter 22: EMIYA

Caren had been put in a deep sleep ever since Archer abducted her so that she wouldn't try to resist him. The dreams she experienced were nostalgic ones, as if something had unlocked a bunch of memories she had kept buried within herself for years. Although she was quite young when her family broke apart, Caren could still see her mother Claudia's smiling face. No matter how ill she was, she did her utmost to care for the young child, and that loving nature stuck with her as she trained to be a nun and demon detector.

Claudia was probably the only person in the world Caren still respected. She regarded everyone else, including her father Kirei, as commonplace boors that needed guidance. Although Caren inherited an aspect of Kirei's twisted nature, she would never allow it to actually stray her toward the path of evil. She instead channeled her acrimonious attitude so that she was strict with others, even to the point that her words would be downright shocking and rude. Even so, she wasn't a pure sadist. Her latent ability allowed her to feel the pain of those who were possessed by demons, so she possessed some degree of empathy that allowed her to reach out to the needy.

No matter how much she wanted to deny it, she was the daughter of Kotomine Kirei. However much that thought disgusted her, she accepted it since she was also the scion of Claudia Hortensia. Perhaps that was why Caren's dream felt so melancholic and bittersweet. Did she want to wake up to escape from Kirei, or did she want to remain asleep so she could be with Claudia?


Someone was calling to her. It was faint at first, but Caren soon made out the familiar little girl's voice.


The images of her parents soon faded into darkness. She didn't mind though. She knew that the young Lancer would be there to greet her when she woke up. For a split second, she remembered that she had been captured. If Connla was there, that meant that Caren would be rescued, wouldn't it? That realization prompted her to regain her senses and follow the voice back to reality.

"Ms. Hortensia? Are you all right?"

Caren's eyes eventually cracked open, and she moaned once she felt how stiff her muscles were from being tied to the chair for a long period of time.

"Ms. Hortensia!" Connla yelped joyfully.

"L... Lan... cer..."

"Just a moment. I'll free you."

The girl used her spear to cut through the ropes binding Caren to the chair, and the priestess flexed her wrists, shoulders, legs and ankles before feeling limber enough to stand back up. Connla waited patiently for Caren to recover, but she could tell from the strained look in her eyes that she had been extremely worried this whole time.

"How are you feeling? Did Archer do anything to hurt you?" Connla asked.

"I was asleep for the whole time, but I believe that reprobate left me be," Caren said.

Then to her surprise, the child Servant threw her arms around her waist and hugged her tightly while moaning, "Oh, thank goodness. I was beside myself with anxiety while you were gone."


As much as the nun wanted to push her off, something told her to just let her do as she pleased so she could relax and focus on her job as a Servant better. In that moment, Caren could feel Claudia's warmth once more, as if her mother was transmitting her love through Connla's embrace. Caren placed her hand on the child's head and muttered, "All right, that's enough. I'm safe now, so you can let go already."

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