Chapter 19: Fourth War's Remnants

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Chapter 19: Fourth War's Remnants

Connla laid on the ground, having passed out momentarily. Her eyes fluttered open, and she realized that her cheek was resting on the cool stone floor rather than on Caren's lap. She wearily peered up to see where her Master was. Her vision was still blinded from the light when Shirou canceled Archer's Noble Phantasm, so she needed to readjust her eyes to the darkness for a while.

"Unhand me immediately, Archer," Connla heard Caren firmly command to the stoic bowman. The young Servant found her charge slung beneath the man's arm like a sack of potatoes, unable to break free from his strong grasp.

"Caren!" Shirou shouted and ran next to Artoria, who remained rooted on the spot brandishing her sword. Rin was likewise with Artoria, but couldn't do anything to help Caren. To make sure the nun didn't struggle, Archer placed his hand on the nape of her neck, casting some kind of simple spell that made her fall asleep.

"M-MASTER!" Connla shrieked and tried to go after Archer, but her bones were still broken. Any attempt at movement would only exacerbate the pain. Even so, she dragged herself along the ground using her right arm for propulsion.

"Don't, Lancer!" Rin ran to her and pressed down on her back to restrain the desperate child.

Archer hopped onto the stairs with Caren under his arm, and Artoria demanded, "Where are you going!?"

"I've had a change of plans. My Reality Marble wasn't enough, and I'm nearly out of mana. Therefore, Lancer's Master will serve as a suitable hostage for me. If you don't want Lancer to disappear, then you would be wise to step down, Saber."

The swordswoman had no choice but to lower her weapon for Caren's sake. Shirou stood up and said, "I'll meet you at the castle in the forest outside town. It's abandoned now, so there won't be anyone to interrupt us."

"Hoh?" Archer became curious over the boy's proposal.

"You're not the only one who has things to say. You're going to hear a piece of my mind as well."

"Is that so? Your resolve to face a superior opponent is admirable, at the very least."

"Shut it. Don't you dare hurt Caren in the meantime. If you do, I will kill you!"

"Then I'll give you one day. You have my word that Caren Hortensia will not be harmed for the next 24 hours. Think of it as my way of apologizing for killing Caster right after Lancer managed to convince her. After witnessing such a sight and allowing her Master to be kidnapped, the kid must be quite traumatized."

The others paused, then glanced at the shivering Connla. Archer continued, "You'd best be quick about it. I can only last two days without a Master. If you fail to show up, then I'll dismember this woman in recompense for your cowardice."

With that, Archer shot up the stairway in a single jump, leaving the others behind. Once he was out of sight, Connla ceased resisting against Rin's hold on her and trembled uncontrollably. Her lip quivered, her throat tightened, and tears spilled over her cheeks. Rin took out some green gemstones and used her mana to crack them open while murmuring, "Calm down. I'll patch you up, but only if you promise not to go after Archer."

"Uh... Uuh..."

"I know. I'd like nothing more than to punch that guy silly. But his deal was with Emiya. If you make a half-hearted rush to save Caren, her safety might no longer be guaranteed."


"Archer may no longer be my Servant, but I'm the one who summoned him in the first place. If I hadn't, he wouldn't have caused so much trouble for all of us. Punishing him will be my responsibility. You continue your job of talking to the other Servants. That's what you've been summoned to do, isn't it? I don't think you're the type to go looking for vengeance, so don't go starting now."

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