Chapter 20: Inevitable Discovery

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Chapter 20: Inevitable Discovery

After Sakura guided Rin to her room, Medusa decided to leave the others and headed for the roof to patrol outside. This left Shirou, Artoria and Connla in the lounge to discuss a few more things.

"Haaah..." Connla exhaled an irritated sigh and plopped her head against the back of the couch. "What a mess this is turning out to be. I never thought Holy Grail Wars could be so complicated."

"This is ridiculous," Shirou scowled. "It's like the Grail is laughing at us while we put on some morbid show for its amusement."

"Yes, it is. That is the one unchanging factor in this whole thing. The Grail remains in the background, quietly observing the bloodbath that is propagated by the wish it grants. That's why I was summoned here as a Servant – to ensure that thing's destruction, and to eliminate anyone who has become irrevocably twisted by it."

"But I thought Servants could only materialize because of the Grail. If you're going against it, then how were you summoned, Lancer? Is there a different method for summoning Servants that exists?"

"Um..." the girl murmured, then glanced away. "It's kind of hard to explain..."

"Looks more like you don't want to tell me," he said, recognizing her aversive behavior.

"I'm sorry. I have to keep that knowledge confidential until the time is right. It must be frustrating for you to put up with me and my secrets."

"It's okay. It's not like we need to know to survive the battles coming ahead, do we?"


"Okay. But I just want to ask one more thing about that, Lancer," Shirou leaned in and became serious. "Were you the only Servant summoned via this 'other method'?"

"Huh?" Connla raised an eyebrow.

"No, let me rephrase that... Are you aware of any other Servants who might be allied with our cause still running out there?"

"I don't think so. I believe I was the only one called forth."

Artoria interjected, "If there had been more Servants like Lancer, we would have found out about them by now."

"Good point," Shirou admitted, then sat back and wiped his forehead. "I know this is going to sound silly, but I've been having these dreams lately where I see a hammer striking steel over and over again. My body is in excruciating pain each time that hammer is swung, yet when I wake up, it's like I feel better than ever."

"That's the first time you've ever mentioned that."

"I know. But have you noticed how much I've been improving my sparring matches with you?"

"Yes, I have. Your learning pace, resilience and strength are so impressive that I'm starting to believe I have nothing left to teach you, especially since you adapted to Archer's fighting style rather than mine."

"I thought Lancer might know something about it," Shirou groaned, "but I guess not, huh?"

"My apologies, but I really have no idea," Connla shook her head in disappointment. "But as far as the image of a hammer striking steel concerns me, that sounds reminiscent of a blacksmith working at his forge."

"A blacksmith?"

"I concur," Artoria agreed. "If Shirou really is seeing that dream repeatedly, and he's feeling pain from each of the hammer strikes, then maybe some kind of outside force is actually tempering his body while he sleeps."

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