Chapter 14: A Desperate Measure

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Chapter 14: A Desperate Measure


Ritsuka, Mash, Cuchulainn Lancer and Cuchulainn Caster returned from their flower gathering expedition and headed for the medical ward. Lancer had already bundled their selection of flowers into a grand bouquet in a vase, which he took great measures to ensure it came out as lovely as possible for his daughter. As the group reached the entrance, they found Mordred peeking into the room with a nervous expression written all over her face.

"What are you doing, Sir Mordred?" Mash asked aloud.

The knight jolted and immediately rushed up to her, covering her mouth and hissing, "Shhh!"


"Alter's fast asleep in there. I wanted to see Connla, but I don't wanna piss him off either..."

Everyone glanced inside, and they discovered that Cuchulainn Alter had indeed passed out while continuing his vigilant watch over Connla. He nestled his head next to hers while remaining seated in his chair, and both of them snored lightly almost in tandem. He held her right hand at all times though, and the others noticed that a faint red glow surrounded both hands.

"She's still asleep?" Ritsuka whispered.

"This is worse than last time," Caster said, then quietly proceeded toward the bed. He narrowed his eyes when he inspected the red glow, then murmured, "I wonder what Alter is doing..."

"Looks like some kind of Runecraft linking his Spirit Origin with hers," Lancer said as he set the vase down on a nearby table and likewise took a closer look.

Mordred faced Ritsuka and Mash, then muttered, "It's been almost three weeks now. You sure Connla being in a coma like this is normal?"

"It only happened once before, but it occurs whenever she suffers traumatic injuries," Mash explained. "Lord El-Melloi is looking into finding a cure for this, but he has a feeling it will be extremely difficult, if not outright impossible."

"Shit... If I had known, I would have done a better job of protecting her."

"She probably didn't want to make you worry about her so much. She tries to do what she can to avoid dumping her problems onto other people."

"Tch. Those kind of people piss me off."

As everyone was chatting in hushed voices amongst themselves, that was when Cuchulainn Alter stirred awake and groaned, "Grrgh... The hell is going on here?"

"Whoops," Lancer cringed. "Looks like we woke the beast up."

The Berserker glared at them with an even grouchier gaze than usual. He snarled a little and asked his counterpart, "Do you want me to kill you?"

"Relax, man. We just wanted to see the kid."

"... Hmph."

"So what's the deal with you linking your Spirit Origin with hers? Is there something else wrong with her?" Caster wondered.

Alter shifted his eyes toward the third Cuchulainn. Although Caster possessed some of the original Cuchulainn's mannerisms that grated Alter's nerves, he found it easier to converse with the mild-mannered druid compared to the outspoken Lancer. Alter exhaled a deep sigh, then muttered, "I'm too tired to explain that shit right now. Let's just say it's necessary if we want the kid to ever wake up again."

"Have you been doing this the entire time?"

"Pretty much."

"You must be exhausted. Why don't you let one of us take over?"

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