Chapter 24: Reconnection and Disconnection

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Chapter 24: Reconnection and Disconnection


Connla laid on her side and breathed heavily. Cuchulainn Lancer continued to hold her hand, but he was growing more and more fatigued from maintaining his connection with her Spirit Origin. Things were made even more difficult when she started to experience her other self's ferocious battle, which caused her grip on her physical form to slip even further.

"Damn it," Cuchulainn cursed. "What the hell's going on here? It's like she's getting farther and farther away from me."

Despite her lucid state, Connla always kept Mini-Cu close to her. Inside the doll, Cuchulainn Alter's Bloodstone shone as he woke up from his long slumber. He immediately understood what was going on and said to Lancer, "The kid's witnessing a fierce battle."

"I should have guessed," the spearman muttered. "Is it having an effect on her connection with her body here?"

"Depending on the opponent, it's entirely possible. Since she's struggling so much, my best guess is that she's fighting another Cuchulainn in a duel to the death."

"Shit... I'm getting tired enough as it is..."

"That's why I woke up. I'll take over from here."

Mini-Cu's eyes flared red, then a crimson streak burst from the toy and materialized into the Berserker version of Cuchulainn. He stood next to Lancer and took Connla's hand, renewing the connection between their Spirit Origins so that his counterpart could rest. Lancer stepped back and gasped in exhaustion, glad to be relieved of his duties despite his growing concern with Connla's health.

"Say, Alter," he wondered. "This is just a theory I have, but you know the whole premise about how you die in a dream, you could wind up dying for real, right? You think it's possible that that could happen to her? That she would be so absorbed in her other self's life, she'd wind up mimicking what the other one is going through? Even if it means death...?"

"Beats me," Alter grumbled. "I'd leave that shit for the eggheads to figure out. All I care about is making sure the kid comes back in one piece."

"Yeah, I guess. I'll try asking around, just to be sure."

"Suit yourself. Don't worry about her. No matter what it takes, I'll pull her out of even the deepest void and drag her back here kicking and screaming."

"Right. Caster and I are counting on you."


Einzbern Manor


Artoria screamed a battle cry as she cut through Gilgamesh's sword. The severed blade sailed away until it jammed itself into the floor, but he wasn't concerned whatsoever. He simply conjured another golden portal to deliver another weapon in his hand, and he resumed his advance against her.

"Don't tell me you came here without a strategy," he taunted. "It's clear that you can't win over me, and the runt doesn't have the power to stop the Holy Grail on her own."

"Second Lancer will not lose, just as I will not lose to you," she retorted.

"It would seem I need more to make you realize how hollow your sophistry is."

Gilgamesh raised his arm and commanded the portals to fling countless weapons at Artoria. All she could do was raise Excalibur to at least protect her face, but several blades carved through her thick armor and gouged her flesh. Once the flurry of swords ceased, she was left kneeling in anguish. Although heavily battered and bleeding, she managed to get back up and glare at her foe.

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