Chapter 13: Resurgence of the Legendary Duel

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Chapter 13: Resurgence of the Legendary Duel

While Shirou's group were busy fighting Medea, Caren quietly headed for Mt. Enzou and searched around the base of the mountain. Now that there weren't any Servants around to interrupt her, she could take her time and examine what was happening with the mana-infested foliage. Aside from interrogating the local monks, she also wanted to bring back photographic evidence of the damage that the Holy Grail War was causing Fuyuki. Her intention was to convince her superiors to speak with the Mages' Association about putting a permanent end to the Wars... so long as this one ended without causing some kind of world-ending catastrophe.

All the while, Caren couldn't stop thinking about what Connla said about the Holy Grail being tainted with evil. She wished she knew what the cause of it was, but she was certain that the Lancer would have no idea. Whatever forces that had summoned her only wanted to show her what would happen if things spiraled out of control, and that she was called upon to prevent such a calamity. Worrying about why the Grail was corrupted was obviously not part of her duties. Caren sighed to herself.

Honestly... If things really were this bad, couldn't a stronger Servant have been summoned? What is the point of summoning the nearly-forgotten Child of Cuchulainn if she doesn't possess the strength that most Servants do?

This wasn't borne out of disgust for Connla's weakness, but rather respect for it. Caren understood that Connla was not capable of putting a stop to such a cataclysm by herself. Maybe she had been called upon to rally the other Servants, but that didn't explain the actual purpose of summoning Connla rather than someone else. Was it merely because Bazett wanted a Servant who was close in skill to Cuchulainn? Was Scathach not available, and so Connla was chosen instead? Or was there really a unique purpose that only Connla could fulfill?

Caren snapped some photographs of leaves that were stained red, along with dirt that visibly permeated a deep purple haze. She wasn't really concentrating on her work though, so some shots came out poorly. She was simply too preoccupied with all of these thoughts swirling in her head to focus on her job as an investigator.

What's wrong with me? Why am I thinking so much about Lancer?

Maybe she was disappointed with the caliber of Servant that Bazett had summoned, but Caren certainly didn't hate Connla for it. In fact, she was probably one of the few people that someone as anti-social as Caren had come to enjoy having around for company. The priestess had never experienced such feelings of concern for anyone other than herself before, so she was rather confused about how to deal with these rampant thoughts.

She decided to put the camera away for now and distract herself by speaking with the monks. Since Ryuudou Temple had been demolished from the previous fight, the residing trainees had to relocate to a sanctuary situated elsewhere in the outskirts of Fuyuki. Caren knew where it was, so she headed into the forest. It would take about an hour of walking before she reached the sanctum, but she wouldn't even make it to the halfway point.

She suddenly stopped. A disturbing breeze ruffled the dead leaves hanging above her. The cold air turned even more frigid. It wasn't from a drop in temperature however.

There, blocking her path, was an expressionless man in a priest's stole. He simply stood there and stared at her with that dead look in his eyes, keeping his arms behind his back. Neither of them moved from their spots. The intense stare-down continued for a good minute.

"... It's been a long time, Caren Hortensia," Kotomine Kirei finally announced.

"Yes. Though, to be honest with you, I wish it had been longer," Caren retorted.

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