Chapter 12: Crossroads of Honor and Disgrace

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Chapter 12: Crossroads of Honor and Disgrace

Early in the evening, everyone gathered around in the first floor lounge of Edelfelt Manor, fully prepared to discuss what they were going to do next.

"So, let's go over the basics," Caren initiated the meeting. "Our primary objective is to put a stop to Caster's actions. To accomplish this, we must do three things; recruit Tohsaka Rin and Archer, find Caster's new hiding location, and discover who her Master is. With three Master-Servant groups now available, we're able to split these tasks up between each other so we can investigate more efficiently. Are there any takers for a particular assignment?"

"If I may," Sakura interjected. "I want to find Rin and speak to her personally."

"I don't know about that," Shirou said. "If you approach them carelessly, Archer will think that you and Rider are enemies. On the other hand, Tohsaka and I already have our own alliance. Regardless of what Archer thinks of me, I believe I would have the easier time approaching her."

Artoria added, "If Archer makes any sudden moves against Shirou, I will put a stop to him immediately."

"Oh..." Sakura sighed dejectedly. "I suppose you're right. I guess I'll leave it up to Sister Caren."

"Very well," the nun replied. "I would like to look through Ryuudou Temple and see how Caster was able to set up shop in such a well-fortified location. If she was able to deceive the monks without arousing suspicion, then it stands to reason that her Master must have some kind of connection with the shrine. It may take some time, but interviewing the residents should give me a solid clue to who her Master is."

"Then try talking with Ryuudou Issei first," Shirou suggested. "He's the son of the head monk there, and a good friend of mine at school. Just be a little careful around him. For whatever reason, he tends to be uncomfortable around women."

"A staunch misogynist, hm? How obnoxious."

"No, no, it's not as bad as you think. I just noticed that he and Tohsaka would bicker with each other frequently, and he often avoided the female students. But if you were to talk about Mr. Kuzuki, he might lighten up to you."

"That straight-faced teacher? How are those two related?"

"I'm not really sure. That's something you might want to ask Issei."

"Then I shall. That just leaves Sakura and Rider to take care of finding Caster's new location."

"Okay," Sakura agreed. "But I would prefer to search during the day. I don't want to make Rider feel uncomfortable with me being out late at night."

"Suit yourself. I'm going to be taking Lancer out immediately. It is best to strike while the iron is-"

Suddenly, the front door slammed open with a jolting bang. Everyone gasped in unison and turned their attention to the entrance. A strong gust of wind had blown it open, which obviously had not been caused by the weather. Within the vicious breeze, a piece of paper fluttered inside and landed on the mat. The three Servants rushed in front of their Masters when they sensed a small amount of magical energy emanating from the wind. They stared at the note with wavering expressions, uncertain as to whether or not this was a trap.

"Allow me," Artoria offered and stepped forth to pick up the paper. She examined it carefully, then returned to Shirou's side while announcing, "There aren't any sigils or traps that I can detect. I believe it is safe to open this."

He took it from her and tore open the tape keeping the page ends together, then read its contents. After a few seconds, his face suddenly paled and his eyes widened in shock.

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