Chapter 7: Stirrings of Evil

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Chapter 7: Stirrings of Evil

Fuyuki Church was a quaint facility dedicated to Christian worship, situated in the suburbs and secluded from the daily pell-mell of modern life. It boasted a humble charm that piqued the curiosities of local Japanese folks, though not necessarily because they embraced the religion. For instance, the infamous Shimabara Rebellion was sparked due to the Tokugawa Shogunate's claim that believers were more loyal to Jesus Christ than to their feudal lords, which led to fervent repression and brutal persecutions. Times had changed since then, but many Japanese were still wary of accepting Christianity after learning of such dark history.

The Church's caretaker was one of the few who disregarded the authority of ephemeral humans and named the Holy Father his one and only superior. He was a middle-aged man with disheveled chestnut hair and a hollow gaze in his brown eyes. As per tradition of Christian priests, he wore the standard stole and conducted himself with a calm, pastoral demeanor. Those who came to seek faith, guidance and forgiveness could depend on this man to show them the way to leading a more fulfilling life.

Yet for all the sagely counsel he delivered to his fellow constituents, he knew that it was all hypocrisy. He didn't believe in anyone... No, it was more like he couldn't believe in anyone. He had been born flawed, unable to feel any semblance of joy. He had been inducted as a Christian because his father was concerned for his mental well-being. Not even marrying a loving woman and giving birth to a daughter stirred any response in his soul. If he hadn't found God to be his shepherd, it was most likely that he would have committed suicide out of despair.

He only began to find his personal calling during the Fourth Holy Grail War 10 years ago. Within the abysmal darkness that ended the War in the tragedy known as the New Fuyuki Fire, he finally found the light. He rejoiced this newfound discovery with a hearty laugh. He saw the destroyed buildings, roaring flames and dead bodies, and he laughed at it all. It was all so transient... How could he have found any value in the flammable garbage called humanity? All of his doubts were likewise burned away in that conflagration, and he could finally be honest with himself.

He was born evil. Why deny that any further? If God was capable of forgiving all sins, there was no need to fear the judgment of mankind.

Now, the priest was making preparations for his assured victory in the Fifth War. The Holy Grail's miracle had escaped his grasp last time, but he wouldn't let that happen again. To that end, he had earned the trust of one Bazett Fraga McRemitz and worked alongside her as partners in hunting rogue Mages. Her obsession with summoning Cuchulainn motivated the priest to target her and take the Servant away, and that was exactly what he did. He had a world-famous hero obeying his commands, and he couldn't have been more overjoyed at witnessing the Lancer's frustration.

The priest stood within the main worship hall, completely devoid of anyone but himself during these late hours. He had his back to the pews, as if denying a crowd of imaginary followers the right to see his face. He stared at the metal cross bearing the crucified Jesus Christ, becoming lost in a quagmire of thoughts. All of the squealing he had to endure from the pigs flocking to him for mercy and advice put him in a bad mood, so he found some measure of peace in staring at the biblical figure's anguished pose. The silence seemed to stretch for ages on end...


Cuchulainn's embittered voice snapped the priest back to reality. Father Kotomine Kirei closed the bible he had open in his hand and muttered, "What is it, Lancer?"

"Got something to report to you."

Kirei didn't know where the Servant was, nor did he bother to look around. His eyes remained transfixed on the cross as he said, "Very well. Tell me."

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