Chapter 21: Nameless, Thankless, Prideless

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Chapter 21: Nameless, Thankless, Prideless

The early evening hours arrived, and a gentle snowfall sprinkled all around Fuyuki. It wouldn't be enough to accumulate piles of snow, but it served as a fitting backdrop for the duel that was to come. Shirou, Rin and Artoria headed up the long flight of stone steps leading to Ryuudou Temple, none saying a word to each other. The temple was almost in view, but that was when a familiar fellow garbed in traditional Japanese clothing stepped to bar their path. The trio stopped when they saw him, and Artoria approached him while the two Masters remained several feet behind.

"I have been waiting," Sasaki Kojirou murmured to her. "I am glad you made it in time."

"Indeed," she replied. "I have not forgotten the promise I made to you."

"I must admit that I am surprised. Now that Caster is no longer around, Ryuudou has lost its value in this war. Despite that, you have come to face me. Would it not have been easier to allow me to fade back into obscurity?"

"Assassin," Shirou declared. "We're here because I want to make a deal with you."

"A deal?" the indigo-haired swordsman raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Have your duel with Saber. But should you be the one defeated, you will contract with me as my Servant."

"Oh? Are you not Saber's Master already?" Kojirou wondered, then glanced at the teenager's hand to discover that his Command Spells were missing. That was all he needed to see to understand the situation, and he let out a small chortle while muttering, "I see... So that vixen used Rule Breaker on you. For you to approach me with such a demand proves that you are all in dire straits."

"You can thank Second Lancer for the idea," Rin told him. "She was the one who thought your disappearance would be a waste."

"That petite Lancer who was with Saber before? Fascinating. So it appears she has a mind for effective strategies. However, I will not sell myself to a new lord so easily. If I am to wield my blade for his sake, I must first demonstrate its worthiness to you, Saber. I must have you experience the full weight of my life's training."

"Of course," Artoria said and raised her invisible sword. "I only have one request though."


"Should I fall to you, I want you to look after Shirou and Rin. The enemies we face are far greater than we can comprehend. As such, I fear for the sake of the friends I have made during my time here."

"So you're saying I should become one's Servant regardless of my victory or defeat."

"I know it is selfish of me to ask such a thing, but if we do nothing, the world as we know it will end. That will affect all Servants as well, for no Masters will be left alive to summon us once again. All that will follow is eternal silence, both for the World and for the Throne of Heroes."


Kojirou had to admit that such lofty ambitions were unsuitable for a humble man such as himself. The only thing he concerned himself with was finding value in pursuing the path of the sword. Even so, he couldn't ignore the fierce look in Artoria's eyes. If she was going to fight him seriously, then he needed to acknowledge her reasons and face her with as much determination. His motives were probably petty in comparison, but he wasn't going to sign up to be the savior of the world on a whim either. If anything, he would use Artoria as a gauge to determine whether or not he was ready for such a monumental task.

Soon, he responded firmly, "Very well. Should you be the one defeated, I shall guard your compatriots with my life."

"Thank you," she replied with a light smile, but then immediately became stoic.

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