Chapter 29: Fuyuki/Chaldea Intertwine

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Chapter 29: Fuyuki/Chaldea Intertwine

The moment Nightingale got word of Connla waking up, she rushed over to the medical ward and threw open the curtain obscuring her bed. Cuchulainn Lancer, Caster and Prototype had already left, so only Alter remained with Connla.

"Is the patient awake?" Nightingale demanded.

"Yes, I am," Connla replied.

The nurse instantly pounced upon the bewildered girl and pressed a stethoscope to her chest, then pressed her fingers all over her wrists, upper chest and throat. In a low voice, she murmured, "Palpitations normal... Heart rate is good... Blood flow acceptable..."

"U-Um, Ms. Nightingale...? You're being kind of rough..."

"Do not speak during the examination. I must make absolutely sure that you are healthy enough before I let Roman see you. If I find even one thing wrong, I will do everything in my power to fix it. Now, open your mouth."

Connla did so, and Nightingale became particularly aggressive with the tongue depressor as she scoured every inch of her mouth. She was likewise as thorough with examining her ears to the point that the tip of the otoscope threatened to puncture Connla's eardrum.

"Ow, ow, ow!" the girl cried out.

"What's wrong!?" Nightingale barked. "Are you in pain somewhere!? Tell me at once and I will sever it immediately!"

Cuchulainn brusquely pulled the nurse away and growled, "You're the problem, lady! Stop harassing the kid and get Roman already!"

"I am not harassing her! It is my job to ensure that she is fit enough to be discharged!"

"Enough blathering about your oh-so precious duty, you crazy bitch! If you actually give a damn about her, then you would get out of our sight and call Roman this instant! Or are you saying you want to pick a fight with me?"

"I do not seek conflict," Nightingale retorted firmly, then softened her expression as she said, "But I am not one to disrespect a parent's wishes. Although I am not finished with the exam, the results are satisfactory enough for me. Give me a moment and I will bring the doctor in."

The nurse departed to inform Roman of what was going on. On Cuchulainn Caster and Sigurd's requests, he assembled a small team of staff members and Servants dedicated to treating Connla's long bouts of sleeping and the symptoms of her cranial Runes. Thus, Roman was accompanied by Zhuge Liang since the Pseudo-Servant was the most well-versed in her condition.

"Hello there," Roman said. "How are we feeling today?"

"Kind of tired," Connla admitted.

"Hey, doc," Cuchulainn muttered, "think you could do something about Nightingale's penchant for aggressively treating her patients? If I hadn't stopped her, she probably would have done worse things to the kid than what Brynhildr did."

"What are you looking at me for?" Roman uttered nervously. "It's not like she's my employee or anything. She just muscled her way into my office and declared herself as my top nurse. You really think I can do anything against someone who can wrestle a bear into submission with her bare hands?"

"Pathetic as ever, I see. Maybe I should consider chopping off one of her legs so she can nurse herself with such brutality."

"Please don't. Just... don't. I'll talk with Ritsuka about keeping Nightingale under control, I promise."

"Hmph. Fine."

Cuchulainn sauntered off to the side, and Roman gasped for air as he yelped in a relieved tone, "Hah! Talk about scary..."

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