Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I walked back to my room, or at least I think I was. I have no idea to tell you the truth because this plane is fucking huge. Anyways so as I was walking back and I came across this dark room and I'm pretty sure it was the same dark room that I had seen the day before, the same room I passed out in and Bruce found me. I don't know why but for some reason I was always drawn to this room, it was like it was calling out to me, I thought about if I should go in or not, it was dark like it was yesterday and I also wasn't sure if this room was restricted or not although that didn't really apply to me considering I don't give a fuck, but I wasn't sure what was actually in this room and for some reason it scared me but it also made me more curious, like what if there was a destructive weapon in there? Or maybe even a monster!? I shook the thought from my head convincing myself that there were no such things as monsters, but I was damn well sure there was such things as destructive weapons. "All weapons are destructive dumbass, otherwise they wouldn't be weapons" hate to say it but the voice in my head had a point, that was really dumb of me.

Curiosity finally got the better of me and I thought "fuck it" I needed to know what was actually in that room, I walked closer to the door and just as I was about to open the door and enter I heard someone talking,

"What are you doing?" it was a calm simple voice, the question was asked innocently and didn't have arrogance or anger in it. I turned around and found that the voice belonged to Coulson, he raised his eyebrows at me waiting for me to reply

"Oh, hey Coulson, I was just uh, checking to see if anyone was in here, because I wanted a quiet place to um relax" I said making gestures to the room, he cocked an eyebrow up in disbelief

"You can relax in your room" he said catching onto my lie

"Ya, well I was actually planning on meditating in there, and you know there isn't much free space in my room for uh doing meditation because of all my luggage and things, so ya I wanted to go and meditate in here, yup that's what I was planning on doing" I said while nodding my head trying to sound believable.

He just smirked at me and was totally not buying the meditation thing "ya he isn't buying the whole meditation thing you because it's stupid and not believable at all you asshole!" I ignored the voice in my head and was just standing there smiling at Coulson like an idiot, he had his eyebrows raised in disbelief and had crossed his arms while looking me dead in the face knowing that I was lying.

"In the dark?" he said simply

"Huh?" I said in confusion

"You were going to meditate in the dark?"

"Oh, aha well ya, it makes it more relaxing for me" I said smiling and trying to make sure Coulson couldn't see through my bullshit, he just glanced at me still not believing me and had a smirk plastered across his face.

"Don't you need a mat, or something?" he said

"Oh, uh ya I guess that would be useful, I must've forgotten to grab it when I went back to my room" I said trying to sound convincing, Coulson just looked at me for a few seconds, and before he could say anything else an agent came down the hallway and was making his way over to us when he spoke "Hey! You can't be here, this area is off limits" he said with a stern voice. I was about to bullshit some reason for why I was there when Coulson looked at me and spoke "it's ok agent, she's with me" he then turned to look at the man and the agent just nodded and walked the way he came from.

Coulson turned back to me handed me a pass to unlock the room and said "have fun meditating" he then winked at me and walked off, in that moment I realized that Coulson knew all along that this room was of limits and at any time could have told me to fuck off and go somewhere else because I wasn't allowed in there. Although Coulson wouldn't actually tell me to fuck off he would just tell me to go elsewhere. I smiled to myself knowing that Coulson was actually cool and seemed to not hate me and was on my side, I turned back to the door and used the pass Coulson gave me to unlock it, when the door opened I quickly walked inside so that nobody else would see me and after I walked into the room the door shut shortly after me.

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