Chapter 20: A True Sacrifice

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We started fighting agian, but this time I was winning. He wasn't able to hit me and all I was doing was deflecting. Using this form while fighting was intense. My reaction time was better, thoughts were running through my head clearer and instantaneously , and I could even glance over at Elizabeth without the hesitation of getting hit or missing.

I hit him in the chest, look over at Elizabeth and saw that she was looking at me, like she was worried or concerned with something. The rest of the girls looked the same way. I looked back at the man who I still don't know the name of and see that he is rushing too me. I dodged him and kneed him in the stomach and threw him on the ground. He got up and we started fighting agian.

*Mean While*

"What the hell just happened? Why he Tyler... different?" Elizabeth yelled.

Megan and Victoria didn't know what to do because there wasn't a shocwave like they thought. Scarlett and Annalynn were also in shock of what happen so Meagan and Victoria did there best explain to them what was happening.

After they had explained what they knew, Elizabeth was looking at me agian.

"Has anyone noticed that guy's energy level drop at all?" Elizabeth asked.

The girls looked at her, and one after another shook their heads. "Me either. His energy should dropped at least some, but none at all, I don't know what to make of it. Something is off and I don't know what."

"I'm sure he has noticed, just remember that he has been training with the best." Angel Said, "don't foget that."

*Back To The Fight*

As far as I could tell, he was trying anything to even hit me. I quickly moved behind him and masked my energy. He was looking for me.

"Look why don't we stop fighting we both know I'm more powerful than you and I know you are holding back since you power level hasn't dropped at all. Wait.... correct me of I'm wrong, but that's because your power regenerates, right?"

"Sad thing is I know you're right on both accounts. You are more powerful and I regenerate power. But that doesn't mean I don't have a plan to win.... even if I lose." He said with a smart alec look.

"What do you mean, 'even if you lose'?" I said hesitantly.

"I'm glad you asked, because I have been waiting a long time to do this." He said with a smile as he closed his eyes.

I looked at him and I knew he was up to something but I couldn't tell what. Then out of nowhere darkness fell, I couldn't see anything. Then light was emitting from above me. I look up and all I see is a huge sphere of energy bigger than anything I have ever seen. A werid sound was emitting from the sphere, like it was charging. I rush of power came over me, I put my hands above me and looked over at Elizabeth, "Scatter!!!" I yelled. I started charging a energy wave and I looked back at the man.

"Shoot if you want," He yelled at me, "it won't do any good. If your energy shot is even slightly off center or not strong enough to push it away immediately, it will blow and kill everyone. So really, you only have one shot to get it right."

Elizabeth and the others were already in position behind him ready to charge their blasts. I looked past the man who still had his eyes closed and at Elizabeth. "I'm sorry." I mouthed. Pain and guilt ran through me at the thought of saying it but, regret and tears followed after the words left my mouth. I put all my power into the charge and held it as I rose up to the ball. Right before I got up the center of the bottom of it looked at him and yelled "Go to hell" and I fired.

As I fired, so did the girls, it hit the man disintegrating his body, unfortunately it did so slowy, causing him to tell in pain before it was over. I looked over at Elizabeth seeing her confused on what I was doing. But I could see that Meagan and Victoria had fused and were walking up behind Elizabeth to pull her away. This was the first time seeing them in their fused form. It looked quite nice. Built, but still the figure of a women. Their facial features were a combination of them both. But they were recognizable. I looked up and saw that I was pushing it away but my energy was dropping and I had to think of something fast.

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