Chapter 6: The Message

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It's been a few months since I finshed training. Things were going well. My trainers were getting along great. I was doing my training routine daily now. I thought to myself that I needed a break so I told everyone that I was going on a solo day. They questioned it at first. But after I explained they understood. So I headed off.

I was flying by my old school and something was calling to me. It wasn't a noise, It was more like an energyof some kind. I landed by the bus ramp. It being the weekend, the construction workers were off and no one was around. I walked in and started looking around.

The building, in the process of being repaired, still looked destroyed. All the debri was cleaned up, so the school was able to be walked through. I continued to the main office were the door was swinging open and shut. I walked in and closed the door. I walked in the back of the office, then out a side door that lead to the hallway beside the lunch room. I was now in the main hall, which ran from one end of the school to the other. As I looked I could see a faint figure at the end of the hall. Then it stood up. Now looking at me, it just stared. It was like it was staring at me for a reason..... like to kill me.

I stared raising my power like Elizabeth taught me. Then I tried sensing it, nothing it's energy disappeared, then it physically disappeared. I looked down the hall both ways and then I looked the down the other halls, nothing, it totally disappeared.

"What could that have been? I couldn't even sense it." I thought to my self as I walked though the main office agian.

I walked out the office door. Then I noticed, the door was propped open, when I came through the first time I closed it.

I stopped in my tracks. Then a gust of wind came from behind me. It was behind me facing the other way.

"Nice moves you got there. I wasn't able to sense you coming." I said trying not to show fear.

"You can't see my face, but I'm not your enemy." he said in a calm voice, "I came here to tell you something. Something that you must do to win this fight your going to have."

"First, you tell me that I can't look at you and now your telling me that there something that I must do to win this fight. How did you know about it in the first place?" I said still not looking at this person.

"That's not important. What is important is what I have to tell you." He said getting irritated.

"And that is?" I asked.

"When you fight him, you won't be strong enough to beat him out right. You going to have to unlock the power inside your self. To do that, you're going to have to let go of everything holding you back. Fear, regret, and..... love." he said.

"You're crazy man, I am not letting go of the only thing I have left in my life that I care about." I said with my anger starting to take control of me.

"Look," he said with his voice getting more and more irritated, "I am only here to tell you what needs to be done. What you do, is up to you. Just keep in mind that your choice has consciences, be it the ones you want or not."

I lost my temper, I turn to hit him, but as I did, he wasn't there. I looked around and saw a note on the floor in front of me. I picked it up and read it.....

"I said what needed to be said. You do what needs to be done. Just remember, everything you do has a consequence. Don't be foolish, or be blinded by what you think is important. Look at what is important and focus on that.


The Messenger"

I looked around, it was quite, cold, and dark. I look down at the paper, folded it, slipped it into my pocket. I got up and started walking out the front door and across the parking lot beginning my trip back.

Flying back to Elizabeth's house, my mind was jumping around, my body was hurting and my heart was racing. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said.

"What if he's right and I have to let everything go? What if I have to let Elizabeth go?" I thought to myself. "I can't do that, she is the only one that has been there for me. Maybe I have a choice. Maybe I will be able to kill him. Maybe...... maybe I can bring out the power in a different way."

I got too Elizabeth's house right as the sun was setting. As I landed, I was contemplating weather or not I should tell her. I decided not to say anything if the conversation didn't come up.

I landed at the door and I went directly in. The television was on and she was on the couch asleep. I went over and turned the television off. I picked her up and started towards her room. As I did that, her arm wrapped around my neck and she rested her head on my chest. I let a small chuckle out. I got to her room and went to lay her down but she would let go. I tried removing her arm but she would just put her other one up.

"I'm not going to win, am I?" I said softly.

She shook her head no. She then looked up at me with her diamond blue eyes and said, "Just lay with me for tonight."

I can tell that since the fight was coming up, she was starting to get worried.

There we are, laying beside each other and my arm around her, her back to my chest. For a moment everything was fine, calm..... serene. My mind was set on the here and now. Finally.......... I was home.

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