Jay Moore
Sex: Male
Age: 23+
Hair: down to mid shoulder blade, medium brown, strait
Eyes: green
Height 6'2
-Lots of tattoos
-Works Sunday-Thursday
-Plays drums
-Got Lacy pregnant when they were 17 (causing shotgun wedding)Lacy Moore
Sex: female
Age: 23+
Hair: dirty blonde, down to mid back, strait
Eyes: blue
Height: 5'4
-1 tattoo
-Stay at home mom
-Got pregnant at 17 (causing shotgun wedding)Band:
Name: Silent Parade
Type: Metal, rock, punk
Vocals/lead guitar: Danny
Rythem guitar: Jason
Bass: Matt
Drummer: JayBackground
So when Jay was 17 he got his own apartment. He accidentally got Lacy; his girlfriend pregnant. Lacy's father demanded a shotgun wedding and for her to move in with Jay. They Jay dropped out of highschool and they eventually got an actual house and had a son; Axel. And Lacy's father still hates Jay (of course). Jay insists for Lacy to be a stay at home mom because he still regrets causing a huge argument between her and her father when she got pregnant. No matter how much she says it's not his fault he still beleive it is and feels sorry because of it.