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"Okay. Thanks. I'll keep in contact." I said hanging up. I took a few deep breaths and walked out. I went to the kitchen. My aunt and Axel were sitting at the table. He had a smile on his face and was laughing.

"Daddy! I'm gonna go tomorrow and play games with other kids!" He announced excitedly. I had to paint on a fake smile. For him.

"That's so cool buddy!" I answered.

"How about you take a bath to get ready for tomorrow?" My aunt insisted for Axel. He nodded his head yes. "Okay. I'll get the bath ready and you go get some pajamas. And Jay, you can take a shower after he takes a bath." She said. Axel and I went into the guest room. I helped him open up his suitcase. I handed him his batman pajamas folded up.

"Why are we staying here?" Axel asked me. I crouched down to his level.

"I'll tell you later tonight. I promise." I answered.

He nodded and ran to the bathroom. I sighed. I got out some pajama pants and a shirt for me. I sat on the edge of my bed launched over. My aunt lightly knocked on the door then walked in. I looked up a little.

"Jay, just remember that you've been through so much worse. And you're here. You got through it. This is small compared to other things. So don't let this strike you down." She said.

Later on that night after Axel got a bath and I got a shower we went into the guest bedroom. He was sitting on the bed as I got out our outfits for tomorrow.

"So why are we staying here? You promised your tell me." He asked. I sighed. Here goes nothing. We both sat on the bed.

"You won't fully understand. So I'll try to say it in a way you'll understand." I started. He nodded. I had to think of something. "Remember in Toy Story when Woody saw Buzz flirting with Little Bo-Peep?" I asked. I can't believe I'm comparing this with Toy Story. I'll be able to watch it the same again.

"Yeah. And then Woody got jealous." He responded.

"Well that's kinda what happened. But I was Woody and Jason and Lacy was Buzz and Little Bo-Peep." I explained.

"But then they all were friends again." He said.

"Axel... Me, mommy, and Jason won't be friends ever again. It was their choice. Not mine." I sighed.

"So I'll never see mommy and uncle Jason again?" He asked. I hugged him. Holding him in my arms.

"Maybe someday buddy. But probably not anytime soon." I answered.

"What about Uncle Danny and Uncle Matt? Will we ever see them again?"

"Yes we will. But not as much." I responded.

"In gonna miss them." she whispered.

"I will too. But it's just you and me now." I responded. He soon fell asleep in my arms. "I promise I'll be the best father ever." I promised.

I tucked him in and made sure he was covered up. I layed on the other side of the bed And fell asleep.

This day has been horrible. Atrocious. I honestly don't know how to explain it. People may think I went through more pain when I young and lives with my father. Physically, maybe so. But mentally, I've never felt so much pain before in my while life. I learned that my son may be autistic. Which isn't a bad thing, just kinda surprising... I guess. 3 people walked in on Lacy tied to the bed frame with me fucking her. I scared my son. Then I caught the love of my life with my best friend. And learned that they've been cheating behind my back for months. But I think what pissed me off the most is that Lacy barely did anything to see Axel. But what happened. Happened. And I just gotta accept it.

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