Her hands started to move down. Starting to undo my pants.
"God. How the fuck can you wear skinny jeans? I can't even wear skinny jeans." She hissed.
I laughed a little which made her smile. With a swift movement I sat her on the counter. Her legs separated giving me room to be closer to her. Before we knew it we were both fully nude and on our bed. I got on top of her. I put on protection and entered her. She squealed when I went all the way. The bed started to creak. When we reached our climax I layed next to her.
"Fuck. I've been craving that for months." I said.
She agreed we put our clothes back on and went into the living room. We started watching TV. Well... not really. More kissing than actually watching. Just like when we were teenagers. But then Axel and the guys walked in. A dog jumped up inturpupting us.
"What the fuck is a dog doing here!?" Lacy freaked.
"No... you didn't..." I started to say.
"First off. That was a horrific sight to see. But thank god we came in before anything else happened. And it's a puppy." Danny started. Axel started playing with the dog.
"We got a dog! It's a G-German Shepherd! And I named it Ozzy!" Fuck. I love this kid. Axel was so excited. I sat on my knees and played with the puppy too.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Lacy declared.
Jason then gave her a bag full of a shit tone of dog stuff. They then left before she killed them. Ozzy them jumped on top of me knocking me over onto my back. Which made all of us laugh. It was soon time for bed. Ozzy will sleep at the end of Axel's bed. As Lacy and I were about to walk out of his room after saying goodnight he stopped me.
"Daddy. Can you please stay?" He asked. Lacy just walked to our room.
"It's time for bed. You have school, and I have work tomorrow." I sighed.
"Please. I just want to ask you a question." He begged. I sat on the edge of his bed.
"What is it buddy?"
"Who was that man and why did he follow you inside then leave angry?" He asked. I took a deep breath.
"That's a conversation for when you get older." I answered.
"Why? Who was he?" He asked again.
"Axel. I told you I'll tell you when you get older. Now it's time for sleep." I tried to say in the nicest way possible.
"But I'm old enough! I'm 7! Why can't you tell me!?" He started to throw a fit. Ugh. I stood up.
"Axel. I said no. So that's enough." I said more stern. Lacy walked in.
"Tell me!" He demanded.
"Axel, stop the fit and go to bed!" I responded. Pfft.
"I'll calm him down." Lacy told me.
I walked out. I took a shower meaning I had work in the morning, then went in our room. I was in the shower for a 20 minutes. What the hell? Lacy, Axel, and the dog were all asleep in our bed. I sighed and slept on the couch. This isn't gonna happen every night. And I'm gonna make sure of that. Pfft
I woke up the next morning. My back was kinda stiff. I eat then went to work. I work at a record/cd store. Danny works there too. He's the reason I got the job. He's actually the manager. But everyone basically just does whatever.