"I'm so so sorry. I had no clue. I-I just thought it'd be a nice surprise. Sense I know it's been forever since you've seen them. I'm so sorry." She apologized.
"I know you didn't know. And I think it's nice that you tried to surprise me with that. So it's truly not your fault. I really should've told you before." I sighed. "But I promise. I'll try with everything I've got to not loose my anger and ruin this for Axel." I promised.
"Remember. This is your house. So you have all the freedom to kick them out." She assured. I nodded.
*the next day*
Everybody was here. Well... everybody except my parents. I was shaky about what was gonna happen. I told the guys about it and they agreed that if anything happened they'll help me out. Everyone was out in the back yard. Axel was on Jason's back 'flying' around. Everyone was laughing and smiling. Then my mom and dad walked in through the gates. I went inside to prepare myself. I've never been this unprepared and worried in my life. God. Then the door opened. I crossed my fingers it was who it was. But I can't forget thoughs footsteps. I held my breath."I see you never cut your hair." He cooed.
"Hey dad." I said. I was taking fast, heavy breaths. I don't know why but I was scared. I heard the back door open.
"Wow. You really never grew up. You're still a pussy." He laughed.
"Dad. Please don't come to my house just to start trouble. Especially at my son's birthday party." I responded. He started to walk closer.
"What did you just say to me?" He asked.
Oh god. I started to back away with small foot steps. Putting my hands in frount of me as a blocker. He then slapped me across the face knocking me over. I was now on the floor holding the left side of my face. Shit. Danny, Jason, and Matt were all right there. They kicked him and my mom out. Matt and Jason helped me up. As Danny marched behind him demanding for him to leave. Lacy ran in too. Lacy pushed them out of the way to be in frount of me for a good view of my face.
"Oh my god. The whole half of your face is glowing red." She gasped.
"Bro. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Matt asked. I shook my head no. Jason and Matt went back outside.
"I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to ruin this." I apologized. She hugged me.
"You didn't ruin this. Nothing about this party is ruined. Even if it was, it wouldn't of been you. And don't ever think that." She assured.
I nodded my head yes. I washed my face where the redness started to die down. I painted a smile on my face and went back outside. After the party was over the guys stayed and helped clean up. Danny, Jason, and Matt all started walking out. Jason was carrying axel on his back.
"We're stealing your kid! We'll return him later!" Matt announced as they left.
We just left. When we went inside I went into the bathroom and just looked at my face in the mirror. Lacy came up behind me and hugged me peaking her head around me looking at me in the mirror too.
"The only thing that looks bad in your frown." She said. "Don't let him get you down in anyway possible. He's nothing to you. To me. To Axel. To the world." She insisted.