Axel is 14 and in 8th grade. And I'm 30. Goddamn. I'm old. Ha ha. We learned that Axel has a little autism. But not much. The only time I heard from Lacy is when we got a divorce and I got custody of Axel only 2 months after we left. She did absolutely nothing to see him or anything like that. I very rarely talk to Danny and has seen him twice. But not Matt. I got an apartment and still work at my aunt's job. I get paid 12 dollars an hour literally just to play hot wheels with with little kids.
It was 11am on a Saturday. I was doing the dishes from the night before. Axel then walked into the kitchen. He had a notebook and pen.
"Hey dad." He said.
"Hey. What's wrong?" He sounded nervous.
"Can we please sit at the table and talk?" He asked.
"Yeah. Of course. Whatsup?"
We sat at the table He had his notebook laying in front of him on the table and holding his pen.
"In ELA at school We have to do a project on one of your parents." He paused for a moment. "So I thought I could use this to learn more about mom." He said a little quieter. This is the very first time he asked about this since the day we left.
"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. Here it goes. "Well your mother is named Lacy. When I was 17 I got my own apartment. One day her father came to my door and put a shotgun to my head demanding me to marry her sense I got her pregnant. So I didn't. But I demanded to marry her 2 months later so I could buy her the perfect ring. We moved into a house and had you. It was all perfect." I started.
"If it she was perfect then what happened?" He asked
"Do you remember anything from when you were 7?"
"No. Everything from 7 and below is a blur."
"Well me and my 3 best friends who to you were Uncle Jason, Uncle Danny and Uncle Matt. We were all in a band called Silent Parade. We got signed a record deal with Bret Michaels from Poison." His mouth opened wide within amazement. But then closed again. "One day your mom and I had to go to your school and learned that you autism. Later on that day when your mom went to pick you up, the guys came over. I didn't realize you were standing right there when I yelled out the word sex. You demanded for me to tell you what it means. After going back and forth I accidentally yelled really loud." I paused for a second. "You got really scared and his away from me. I went outside. And Danny and Matt brought you to me and you were no longer scared of me. I was holding you and when I walked back into the house. We found Lacy and Jason kissing."
"Did you hit him? Yell at him? Beat the crap out of him!?" He asked.
"I couldn't. I know I sound like a coward for not hurting him nor yelling at them. But I just couldn't. I packs up our stuff and left to Aunt Shannon's house. Which was 2 hours away. 2 months later we got a divorce and I got custody of you. I wish I could say that she tried to see you or anything like that. And that's all I know."
"So my mom was a cheating whore?" He asked.
"Well that's an understatement. But I don't get mad if you get in trouble for telling your class that." I laughed.