Chapter 2: Her

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My eyes opened quickly as I try to catch my breath, making it seem like I was suffocating from a nightmare. It somehow amazes me in a weird way how I can manage to wake up even without an alarm clock buzzing in my ears nowadays. It's like my head is always set now to wake up by seven o'clock or a bit later, and even though I don't have any help coming from an alarm, I am never getting late anymore. I know, it wasn't the usual typical me. I am always late for anything or everything. Well that was before. But hey, things change right? So I guess I really did.

I sat up from the bed and immediately chuckled at the sight of my bare chest. I literally forgot that I was naked, and Calum either. I turned to look at him, still looking beautiful and a bit tired. Maybe because we really haven't got much sleep last night. My head is still throbbing but I don't regret every single moment I've had. Those intimate nights with Calum will always be special to me, no matter what. I know I'm just 20 but I love him, and I know he feels the same way. Anyway, I don't want to get to this. I might end up doing something ridiculous again and I think this isn't the right time to wake up someone just because you want to have sex with them.

My feet moved slowly out of the bed, trying my best not to step at anything that would wake him up. I didn't mind at all that I am walking without any clothes on. It's as if Calum hadn't seen any of this before? But yeah, I suddenly came across the thought of someone peeking on my window, or someone might barged in just like what Ashton and Absidee did two days ago and Calum and I were on the shower, naked and... making things that couples do. I didn't take any time to go get some decent clothes on my dresser so I just picked up some random clothes on the floor, which are all basically owned by my boyfriend. I put on my underwear and picked up Calum's boxers and his shirt that smelled a lot like coffee and cigarette, which was weird because he doesn't even smoke. I took a little moment and just stood there, smiling to myself with my eyes closed as I take in the weird but addicting scent that the shirt I'm wearing has. I know I look really stupid, with my bed head being really messy and all, but I didn't mind.

"Are you wearing my underwear?" A raspy morning voice coming from behind me startled me. I hurriedly turned to look, and I was welcomed by a snuggly Calum, all covered by my blanket with lots of pillows surrounding his face. He can really go down from being sexy to a snuggly cute little puppy real quick. I'm glad I could prevent myself from the strong temptation of jumping back to my bed.

"You look so cute on my boxers." Calum stated with a chuckle, and I just stood there smiling like an idiot, still fighting off the urge to jump on him.

"I have to be up you know?" I whined, which was unnecessary and plain stupid.

"But you're basically standing up." Calum pointed out. I rolled my eyes.

"I mean I- just stop being cute for fuck's sake." I rolled my eyes and turned my back, feeling the need to cover my face so I did. I'm such a diva.

I left an annoying chuckling Calum on my bed and headed to my kitchen. I pulled out two mugs and immediately prepared some coffee. I am not much in the mood to eat this morning so I didn't mind to make my personal favorite, the coffee flavored pancakes. I sat quietly on the counter and stared at nothing, letting any thoughts invade my vacant head. Suddenly, the thought of Calum leaving my apartment today and leaving Australia again for tour this Friday hit me. I hate thinking about it, though it seems like a very selfish thing to do. He had been staying here for a week long now, and in any moment he will go back to his house and we can't do much stuff like we always do here in my place. I had him for seven days long, but it seems to me that I only had him for two minutes. I know I can't control his schedule, but I would kill for one more day to be with him just here in my apartment. I know we basically do nothing, but at least we are ourselves. No acting, no hiding, and no pretending.

Fading (A Calum Hood Fan Fiction; Sequel to Pretending)Where stories live. Discover now