𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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My post traumatic stress disorder caused me to hyperventilate as I walked to my car. The sound of his footsteps took me back to a dimension that I was once lost in. It's hard to go through these types of situation when you have a child to take care of, so there's no time to repeat the same steps and situation over once more.

The thought of my pepper spray and taser instantly hit me. I rambled through my purse to see if I could maybe feel it since I couldn't see at all. I couldn't find it and I realized that this isn't the purse.

I unlocked the doors with my key, Reaching my car I quickly opened it only for it to be closed right back. Turning around and facing him, his body pressed against mines. I'm left with no choice but to fight, but with that thought there was a gun was placed under my chin.

"Get in the backseat" he commanded.

"I said get in the fucking backseat" he yelled as he pressed the gun under my chin with more pressure. After not moving I felt the gun go across my face as I screamed in pain. Grabbing my arm, he forced me in the backseat as I fought to get out of his grip.

"Please, I have a child" I cried as he pushed me back, obviously not caring.

"Stop" I yelled only to get hit with the gun once more. He tried forcing my pants down as I kicked him back. Placing his hands on my thigh, he squeezed tightly as the tip of his fingernails embedded into my skin causing me to hiss in pain.

"Please stop, I'm begging you" I screamed as I kicked his private area, he groaned in pain but it only caused him to become more aggressive.

"Get off of me" I spit in his face. It's disrespectful, but Im being disrespected as a female. He grabbed my neck tightly. Now there's 2 memories coming back. I put a lot of time and therapy just for them to go away. Now they're here again.

"Get off of me please" I cried as one of his hands held both of my wrists together as the other held the tape. His teeth gripped the piece of tape as he unrolled it, placing the tape on my wrist he wrapped it around multiple times. His knees bared down on my legs making me unable to move. He then put a piece over my mouth.

Who carries around tape? He came to the party with a motive of doing this.

"This would have been a lot easier if you would've just drunk the fucking drink" He said as he caressed my face with the gun. Taking the gun from my face, he caressed it down my body down to my area as I cried unable to be heard with the tape on my mouth.

"You remember me?" He smiled as he looked me in my eyes.


"What do you want me to do?" He asked Jamal as he sat in the front seat and his upper body craned to look back at me.

"Record this for me bro. We gone make a movie" Jamal laughed.

He handed him the phone as I looked at
him viciously shaking my head no as my eyes filled with tears. He rammed himself into me as I cried in pain and agony.

He recorded as he did those things to me.


Rick, he grabbed my face tightly and kissed down my jawline to my neck as I squirmed to get out of his grip. There's no way to get out of this.

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now