𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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Hours before

A little after Tay left Alyssa couldn't bring herself to fall asleep again. She just constantly worried about Tay's safety and whether or not he would return. As time progressed she stayed up until she began to get weary and couldn't anymore, but it wasn't long before the door opened cutting her rest short.

Quickly sliding out of bed with hopes of it being Tay, she paced to the living room. There in the living room stood a tall figure dressed in all black from head to toe. Becoming petrified she was unable to move as she stood stuck in the same spot.

Eagerness and elation was instantly regretted.

Her breathing started to increase as she thought of her next move. She wanted to move but yet her feet wouldn't carry her. Slowly but surely taking small steps towards the kitchen he was always one step closer. Keeping her eyes in lock with his she felt around the counter for the knife holder. She somehow felt as though she knew those eyes. It was like deja vu looking directly into them.

Her hand found the knife holder and she quickly drew one from it. Catching her hand just as she was about the put the knife to use he took her arm simultaneously bending it behind her back as he turned her around. His free hand took cover to her mouth and nose as he pushed her body up against the counter. Fighting to get out of his grip her body and mind began to shut down as her debilitated body slowly weakened.


Time was slowly winding down and by the second Tay gained a greater sense of irritability. Knowing that he was always one step closer to getting Alyssa always helped him keep his cool. He was worried about the things they could do to her. So many things could go wrong, they hated him with a passion.

YNH and HBG amalgamated weren't quite as big as BMG, but with thought and planning defeating them could easily be done.

"I don't care about the money and guns. The only thing I'm worried about is my girl bruh" Tay said as his eyes scanned over all the men that could be visibly seen in the room. It was a lot of them, they about maxed out the capacity the room can hold.

"Alright, however you wanna do this shit me and my boys down" Darius dapped him up. They got right to business. Thoroughly planning was gonna take a while but it was soon gonna be put in action.

"Ight hear me out. This is a big ass risk but we gone put this bitch into play" Tay adjusted himself in his seat before he started to explain.

The Location

Awakening from the deep sleep she was placed in, Instantly the pain in her face hit her with impact reminding her of every hit that was taken out of gratuitous reasoning. The blood that slowly leaked from the deep cut on her forehead down the right side of her face was now just about dried, but the throbbing pain was very much still there.

Lifting up from the floor she instantly became light headed. Looking around it was dark and nothing was able to be seen. No windows, just the pitch black darkness of wherever she was. The tightness of her face continued to get tighter every second until it came to a stopping point at it's most excruciating.

Her body feeling bare, she felt around her skin coming to the realization that she was in nothing but panties and a bra. Staring off into the blank space she thought about the events that took place. As she fought to get out of his grip her distant cries were unable to be heard because everyone around tuned them out. He forced himself into her and took advantage of what was in front of him.

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now