𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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Getting Zoey and I dressed, we got ready to go to the girls house. We haven't been in quite sone time and we needed to get out of the house for a minute.

"Girl you better put some pep in yo step" I said as Zoey was slowly falling behind. Reaching the elevator I decided to take some pictures before getting on. She wasn't really in the mood but she looked so pretty I just had to.

Taking the pacifier out of her mouth, she started to whine. Handing her a chip in replace of the pacifier, I backed up. She's one and four months, it's time to give the pacifier up. She just don't want to.

"Look at the camera tink"

"Ouu pretty girl, don't play with you" I laughed

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"Ouu pretty girl, don't play with you" I laughed. Being able to have a daughter and dress her up is one of the best things.

Once reaching the car, I placed her in the car seat and strapped her in before getting in the drivers seat. I spent money on the head rest entertainment just for her to place all her attention onto her iPad. Starting the car, I decided to go to Taco Bell first to get us some food.

After getting our food, the girls live way on the other side of Houston so it's quite a stretch. Soon arriving at their condo we got out and took the elevator up.

"Daddy's home" I yelled as we walked in closing the door behind me. Olivia spun around in her chair to look at us. Looking around no one was here but her.

"Zoey" She ran and picked her up.

"Where they at?"

"They went to go get food, they should be back any minute now" she replied as she rocked Zoey in her arms. Sitting at the island, I took out our food. Zoey isn't a very picky child and she'll eat whatever is given to her really. She don't care at all.

"Here let me take your stuff off so you can eat comfortably" Olivia grabbed the cup from her and sat it on the counter. Taking off her shoes and vest, she sat her on the island.

12 minutes later

"Ah boom" I playfully grabbed Zoeys legs causing her to fall on the couch. She laughed and stood back up wanting to do it again. When you start something with her, it's a must that you keep it going.

"Liv can you wash this off please?" I picked her pacifier off of the floor.

"Sure thing" she rinsed it and came back.
Acting like she was sucking it, Zoey reach over and snatch it from her before putting it into her mouth and hitting her hand. Jesus she's so mean.

"You are so mean, meany" she pouted as she crossed her arms and Zoey started laughing.

"Tell her how old you are baby"

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now