part one

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theo's pov

me and boris we're lying out by my empty pool. it was almost 12am, so it wasn't too hot but we weren't exactly tired either.

boris has given me god knows what kind of drug, and of course i accepted, so we were both high and clueless of what was happening and what was gonna happen.

laying on our backs, looking up at the stars in the sky, cool breeze brushing against our bodies, everything was so wonderful and peaceful.

this is nice, i thought. i was happy that boris was with me, and not with kotku. they were spending so much time together lately i was beginning to feel somewhat lonely, and sad, so the feeling of us being together, whether it be us doing nothing or drinking vodka, it was so much fun.

i couldn't tell if it was the drugs making the night seem as nice as it was, or if i was genuinely enjoying it, with or without the drugs.

"potter?" i heard boris ask drowsily.

"hmph..." i replied.

"are you awake over there?" he asked with a slight chuckle.

"yes, boris, i'm awake" i told him, smiling.

"are you tired?" he asked me after a brief pause. i turned my head over to look at him. he was still looking up.

"um. not really.. to be honest. you?"

"am not either. but is cold. would you want to go back inside now?"

"oh. yeah, sure." i got up and so did he. we walked inside, where popchyk happily greeted us with excited whimpers and jumping up and down.

boris stopped and squatted down to pay some attention to the little dog. i continued walking upstairs to my room.

my dad and xandra were out, and probably not going to be back for awhile, since they always had better things to do than be home and care for me, and popchyk.

when i made it up to my room i got on my side of the bed. me and boris basically lived together now, and there were unwritten rules on who gets what side of the bed.

i pulled the covers over my shoulder and stared at the wall. i still wasn't tired, but there wasn't much i could do to keep myself entertained, so might as well try to go to sleep.

but i just couldn't. i didn't want to admit it, nor did i want to keep thinking about it, but the main reason i was still awake was because of boris.

i couldn't stop thinking about him. i wasn't sure why, and i kept denying everything. but it just didn't make any sense. why did i feel this way around him, why am i thinking about him like this? he's my best friend.

i was so lost and confused into my thoughts. then boris finally entered my room.

"i thought you weren't tired?" boris asked. i rolled back around to see him. his long, black curly hair was drooping over his eyes, but he left it there.

"i'm not, but i just want to go to sleep, because it's late, you know?" boris nodded his head, even though i don't think he understood.

i watched him as he crawled into bed next to me and covered himself. he turned the opposite way and snuggled more into the bed.

"goodnight potter" he said, with a slight rasp in his voice.

"night boris," i replied, smiling. that was the last thing i remembered before falling asleep

a/n: i'm obviously not the best at writing but i enjoy it and i hope you like the first chapter.. ha. i tried.

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