part sixteen 1/2

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without hesitation, scarlett began driving in the direction of my house. there was no guarantee, but i was pretty sure that my dad and xandra weren't home, so i was good. they wouldn't have cared anyways.

boris was the only thing on my mind. i wanted to talk to him. i wanted him to explain. but what was the point?

potter, promise me if i ever do something stupid you won't hate me. we all do stupid things at times, no?

"stop the car." i blurted out. the car halted.

"what??" scarlett seemed mad, but more confused.

"i, i can't leave without boris." i said, looking at her.

"why? didn't he just cheat on you?" she asked.

"i know, i know, but i cant just leave him there! he knows nobody, he's drunk. he may have cheated on my but it's even shittier for me to leave him there. please, can we go back and get him?"


scarlett dropped me and boris off at my house. the car ride was silent. i thanked her a million times and waved goodbye.

"potter, what?"

"shut it. i really don't want to talk to you right now." i began walking over to the front door. it was already unlocked so i just opened it and went in. popchyk greeted us both.

"potter, fucking stop! what is it?" boris yelled as i went up the stairs.

"no! you're fucking drunk! and i'm not arguing with a drunk person! we can discuss everything in the morning when you're sober. and please don't fucking talk to me anymore tonight. just leave me alone. i want to be alone." i began walking into the bathroom.

"but i don't understand what i did, can you at least tell me? potter please!" he was banging on the (bathroom) door whenever i shut it. i sat down on the toilet and silently cried.

this sucked. everything about it. i wanted to talk to him, but i didn't. there was nothing to discuss. he cheated on me, and that was final.

———— (sorry ik i just did one of these)

i woke up on the couch downstairs. i already knew boris went to sleep in my room.

but i saw boris in the kitchen as soon as i sat up. he was sober, so i decided to try and talk to him, even though i didn't want to. at all.

"boris?" i asked, my voice still raspy. he turned around and looked at me.

"hi. sleep well?" he asked, closing a cabinet while still looking at me.

"oh, uh. yeah sure. can we... talk?" i asked awkwardly. he came over to me and sat down on the other couch, looking a little confused.

"why? didn't i try to talk to you last night but you refused?"

"because you were drunk, and i was mad. i still am mad, but i just want to know why." i said, crossing my legs. boris put his face in his hands and sighed.

"potter for the last time i don't know how many times you want me to say it but i really do not know what you're talking about." i sighed madly.

"fine. i'm not fighting this battle. since you wanna be called out so fucking badly ill do it. i know you cheated on me. with that guy! i forgot his name.. charles? whatever, but i saw you guys. now lie your way out of this one boris, try. i dare you."

boris' expression was wide eyed, and he seemed really confused.

"stop looking at me like that boris, you don't have to act like this."

"am not acting like anything! i seriously don't know what you're talking about! all i remember is drinking, talking to this group of people, we were making out on the dance floor at one point, and then suddenly you are leaving with this girl! without me! insane potter, you wouldn't hear me out! i was so confused, i still am! why would i cheat on you, i haven't!"

i opened my mouth, but nothing came out. i remembered what scarlett said.

he even looks kind of like you.

did boris just think he was me? if we look alike and he was drunk, it would make sense. but it was still cheating, so we were over regardless, right?

(making a part two to this soon)

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