Chapter 10: It's a Pleasure to Meet You

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Rachel's POV
*3 years ago*

Well today is the day. The day I put my pride aside and start working for Senator Abner. I've never been one to conform, and I don't think I'll start now. So I hope Abner is ready. I know I am.

I arrive at the office and see Avery, my new "friends with benefits" waiting in the lobby. Maybe it's the wrong move to complicate things with her, but I figured that I'm single now, and instead of random Tinder and Bumble hookups why don't I just do it with someone I trust. Plus we agreed to no strings attached. It's almost perfect, we both get what we want.

"Hey you", I say reaching for a hug.

"Hey, Are you ready for today?", Avery asks with the biggest smile.

"You know it."

"Subordinates I would say it's nice to see you but it's not", Jacob says interrupting our conversation with his usual douchebag commentary.

"Good morning to you too Jake", I fake smile and roll my eyes.

"Looks like we're just missing one more person", Avery remarks.

"Ha ha you're very welcome." I turn my attention to the receptionist desk when I hear a voice that I've heard before.

Did I not forward a chain text or retweet a bad luck post? because this can't be happening.

"Hi Regina, nice to see you again."

I open my mouth to say something but ultimately decide against it when Avery gives me a look.

"Hi, my name is Nina and you are?", the brunette says offering out her hand to Jacob.

"Very lucky to be meeting you. The name is Jake", he says returning her hand shake and checking her out.


She shifts her focus to Avery, "Hmm."

Avery extends her hand, "Hi I'm Avery."

"I know who you are, we had Patterson's class together last semester."

"Oh sorry", Avery says turning red in embarrassment.

"Don't be. I'm sure we'll get to know each other better", Nina says giving Avery a wink. "I would have introduced myself to you all much sooner, but I ran to get coffee for the receptionist and our supervisor."

"How nice of you Naomi. I'm sure that will earn you so many points. Are you sure your major is political science and not ass kissing?", I snidely ask.

She rolls her eyes at me, and I smile in return.

"Good morning everyone, please follow me", the Chief of Staff directs. She leads us to a meeting room where we begin orientation. "Thank you for the coffee Nina, that was so sweet of you."

I shake me head, and Avery mouths for me to be nice.

"As you know from your interviews, my name is Mia and I'm Senator Abner's Chief of Staff. I will also be your direct supervisor. I want to congratulate you all on this amazing opportunity. Here at Senator Abner's office we strive for greatness, and that's why all of you were chosen. What I expect is for all of you to pay attention, conduct yourself in a way that reflects positively on the Senator,and have fun. Are there any questions?"

We all say no in unison.

"Perfect, I'll see if the Senator is ready to meet you all. I'll be right back", Mia says as she excuses herself from the room.

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