Chapter 19: She Intrigues Me

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Senator Abner's POV

"It's not fair! She doesn't even want to be here. Why should she be awarded for her nasty attitude?"

"Nina, Rachel hasn't been awarded for anything. The task that I gave her is far from easy and furthermore, you need to realize that life isn't fair", I reply sternly.

She sighs,"I just really would love working for you. I want that permanent position."

"And there will be plenty of opportunities for you to prove yourself. You're working for me now, live in the moment and enjoy it."

I understand that my duty is to serve, but at what cost? Nina has now been in my office for 10 minutes complaining about Rachel getting special treatment. I would never give an employee special treatment. And especially not to Rachel Taff.

"Ok but-"

"Nina, I have to prepare for the town hall meeting tonight. So if you don't mind", I say gesturing to the door.

"Yes of course, my apologies Senator. Thank you for talking with me. Sorry!", she says rushing out the door.

I throw my pen down on my desk as I have now completely lost my train of thought. I need to take a break.

I walk outside to the back of the building where I can't be seen. My usual basement hideaway is being renovated.

I take a cigarette out of my case and put it up to my mouth and light it. We all have our vices, and smoking is mine. Yes, it's a nasty habit that I've tricked to kick, but have ultimately failed every time I've tried. My grandpa introduced me to cigarettes when I was about 12 years old, and I've never looked back sense.

I take a puff and exhale while enjoying the sunlight. I hear giggling and I look over to see Rachel and Avery making out behind the storage unit.

Rachel is like an onion, she has many layers to her. I'd be lying if I said the mystery that is Rachel Taff doesn't intrigue me.

One day I noticed Rachel's hand on Avery's thigh, and now it makes sense. But it's a bit of an odd pairing if you ask me. Avery seems like such a nice, innocent girl. And Rachel is well Rachel.

Rachel with lust in her eyes seems like she's in control, while Avery's hands creep up Rachel's shirt. They could totally get written up for this, but they're young and should enjoy their fun while it last. I mean they aren't harming anyone, it's just wildly inappropriate to do outside in the open, and more importantly at work.

I put out my cigarette and walk back inside shaking my head at their obliviousness.


Rachel's POV

"You're adults so I don't know why I even have to tell you this, but behave tonight. You're representing the Senator. Be polite, introduce yourselves, and mingle with the people here. Make sure everyone gets an info packets and some merch", Mia instructs.

"The Senator does realize that merchandise won't get people to like her and ignore her incompetence right?", I voice.

"Rachel, for your sake I'll pretend like I didn't just hear that", Senator Abner says coming up behind me.

"Just kidding. I totally knew you were behind me", I say smiling.

She looks at me and shakes her head, "Before I begin I just wanted to tell you all thank you, and that your hard work does not go unnoticed. I know how busy you all are with school, your personal lives, and working here. So thank you."

"Ok Senator, we should get you out there. It's time to start the meeting", Mia says.

Senator Abner takes a deep breath and rubs her hands together, "Ok, let's do this". It would seem like she's nervous, but she's not. As soon as she begins to walk on the stage her demeanor changes as she becomes the bitchy, arrogant person that I've become accustomed to.

"Good luck Senator", I say. She looks back with her lips pursed.

"Ok, now let's go to the front so you can watch Senator Abner do what she's best at", Mia says walking briskly.

"Bullshit people", I whisper under my breath.

The town hall begins with Abner welcoming everyone and being greeted to a round of applause. She smiles as she looks around the room at the hundreds of people in attendance. It's starts off cumbersome, with her going over current events and initiatives that shes plans to put in place.

After about 45 minutes of that, the fun part finally comes. The open forum. Many hop on the mic to compliment her and ask her child's play questions. While others hold no punches. One man asks her what is being done to improve the homeless crisis. Another asks how can the public education system be improved so that every child can get a great education regardless of economic background, all of which she answers flawlessly.

She's an artist, a true master of her craft. The way she's able to turn negatives into positives, and make you almost forget the question you've asked is impressive. I hate to admit it, but she intrigues me.

"She's such a badass", Avery whispers to me, making me roll my eyes in return.

A man in his work uniform steps up to the mic to ask her question next. "Hi my name is Tom,and my question is how can you relate to the everyday struggles of Americans if you're in the upper class? Everyday me and my wife work our assess off to provide for our 3 children, only to have crooks like you tax and make rules that regard our lives."

Senator Abner looks around the room, and steps up close to the mic to speak. "Thank you for your question Tom. While I may be well-to-do now, that wasn't always the case for my family. And this is something that is often misconstrued in the media, so I'm happy I get a chance to clear this up. I came for the small town of Blanchard in Wisconsin. Population about 262", she says as she walks across the stage with the mic. "My parents were working class, they had enough money to provide me with the basic necessities, and even then it was often a struggle. If I wanted something more, I knew I had to work for it so in high school I got a job. Saved every last dime I made to move to California after I graduated; There I attended USC for college. One of the most prestigious schools there is. I had to work, but I also received financial aid to make it by. I know how it is to struggle to make ends meet. That's why I use my money and my voice now to fight for the people like you and your family Tom. The people with the american dream of having an education, house, family, and health care."

The crowd cheers and Abner's exits the stage to go speak with the man directly and shake his hand. Immediately after talking to her, I see a smile across his face. I'm beginning to think she's a witch by how she seems to captivate people so easily.

"Beautiful and badass", Avery says staring in awe of Senator Abner.

"Maybe you should date her then", I say annoyed.

"You know I only have eyes for you", Avery says holding onto my arm.

When the meeting concludes, we all meet in the back exit to avoid the crowd.

"Wow you were great as always Senator", Nina blurts out.

"I agree.That was great" Avery says. I guess I'll cut my girlfriend some slack. I knew she was a Senator Abner fangirl before we got together. It's just interesting to see everyone hold her in such high regard, when I only see her as a regular person.

"Thank you. I hope you all enjoyed getting to know a little about me and what I stand for. Often the message I want to send out gets lost in the fold, so I really enjoy holding these sessions. Yes some people ask difficult questions, but I don't have a shortage of people that keep me on my toes", she says looking over at me.

"I won't keep you all any longer. Have a great night and I'll see you tomorrow", she says with a smile.

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