Chapter 98: Follow Your Intuition

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Jennifer's POV

"Happy Graduation Day!"

Rachel stops brushing her hair in the mirror to turn around. "Thank you", she says with a massive smile spread across her face. She notices my hands behind my back and raises her eyebrow, "What are you hiding?"

"Just a little something to commemorate you and all your accomplishments."

"Accomplishments? I'm not a lawyer yet, I still have to pass the Bar."

"And you will when the times comes, but for now learn how to take a compliment and not be so hard on yourself. You have lots to be proud about."

She caves in taking the blue Tiffany box from my hands. She stops and meets eyes with me before opening and I smile.

Her mouth falls open, "Oh my God Jenn it's beautiful."

"You like it?"

"Are you kidding me? I love it", she says as she lightly runs her finger across the diamond heart necklace pendant.

"Why don't you flip it over?"

She does and when she sees the engraving she closes her eyes. I walker closer to her pining her hair back behind her ear.

"We're stronger together."

"I thought it was a nice homage. I wanted you to have something to always remember this journey."

She puts her hand behind my neck pulling me in for a kiss."It's perfect."

"Let's see how it looks around your neck." Rachel turns around moving her hair out of the way. I look in the mirror behind her as I put in on her. "It looks gorgeous on you."

"Thank you, I'll always have it close to my heart."

I smile and give her a kiss on the forehead. "I totally lost track of time, I should have already been at the office by now."

"I wish you could be there today."

"Me too baby, my schedule is just so hectic right now."

"I know."

"We'll celebrate later ok?"

"Yeah we will", she says devilishly. "I love you. Thank you for the gift."

"I love you too. See you later."

After we bid our goodbyes I make my way to the office.

"Good morning Senator."

"Hi Mia."

"You have a few new media inquiries that the communications team wants to run by you, I emailed you the list of people that want to request a meeting. The most important were placed at the top, and I have this memo from David. He dropped it off this morning."

"Thanks Mia. My schedule is blocked off for the day correct?"

"Yes it is."

"Great. I'll be in my office."


Rachel's POV

"Can you believe we've made it this far? We're one step closer to doing everything we said we were going to do", Avery cheerfully says.

"I know it feels surreal to be in the moment."

"We've been through so much, but we made it through still friends."

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