Chapter 76: Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere

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Rachel's POV

"Hey Rach can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure what's up?"

"I wanted to tell you before you somehow found out", Avery meekly says.

"Is this about you and Nina?"

She stands frozen,"How did you-"

"It's obvious. Plus you're terrible at keeping secrets. It's all over your face."

She looks down, "It's nothing serious. We're just going out on a date. She doesn't want anyone to know, but I told her I couldn't keep it from you."

Avery and I have a new pact. Honesty before anything. Even if we think the other person doesn't want to hear what the other has to say. We saw how disastrous things went when I hid the truth from her, and I won't allow that to happen again.

"You've made a lot of progress these last few months, are you sure now's the time to do that?", I question.

"Rach you sound like my mom. I'm fine. I know what happened between us was not ideal, but like you said it's in the past. I think me opening that door back up to date will be good for me."

I smile."I'm happy for you Av, just be careful I don't trust Nina."

"When we're alone she's totally different than how she usually is. I think you two should put your differences aside and talk. You have a lot in common."

"No thanks."

She smiles, "How are you and she who shall not be named?"

"Things are good. Really really good", I smile.


"Not like that."

"Then how-"

I cut her off, "I know we're doing this whole open and honest thing, but let's not make this anymore awkward than it has to be."

She nods her head and smiles.

We walk into the conference room and everyone has their attention turned towards the tv. "Breaking news, a now released video from the fatal shooting of Amir Washington last month corroborates witness testimony of the events that occurred leading up to the encounter. Warning the video is graphic."

The video shows Amir walking down the street and the officers approaching him. He has AirPods in as they run up behind him completely unaware of what's going on. Next a tussle ensues and the screen becomes blurred, but the sound of 7 shots ring out.

I stand there feeling the same feeling that I've had every time one of these shootings happen. Mad, sad, and unhopeful that things will ever get better. This one hits really hard because it happened in Los Angeles and he was my age. He was gunned down for simply questioning why he was be placed under arrest for a crime he did not commit.

The video replays and one the guys in the office comments "He would have been alive if he just complied."I grow angry and I know I have to remove myself from the room before I say something I'll most likely regret later on. I go find the person that is always able to put things into perspective.

Her office is open and I see her standing up watching the very same video I just walked away from.

She puts her hand over her mouth and shakes her head in disbelief. When we meet eyes she turns down the volume. "These videos never get easier to watch."

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