Chapter 121: It's Lonely At The Top

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"Senator Jennifer has made history becoming the youngest nominee for President of The United States of America."

"Senator Jennifer Abner vs President Duke Trant. A fight for the ages?"

"From Wisconsin to the White House? Senator Jennifer Abner keeps stunning doubters."

"Is America ready for progressivism?"

"How California Senator Jennifer Abner beat out her democratic colleagues off a single statement."

"I mean it is amazing to see her progression through this race. Let's be honest here I don't think any of us believed she would be the last person standing out of the democratic party. She beat out strong competition.

Well Mark we've heard talks of her being unexperienced and under qualified from the right and left. She took that criticism and said yeah ok, I'll prove you wrong and she absolutely has. While everyone had their eyes focused in on Duke Trant she went out to the battle ground states connecting to middle america. Connecting with rural America. Getting endorsement from Black leaders, LGBT leaders, people focused on bridging the gap that we've seen with this current administration.

So what does she need to do to be successful come November?

Trant has a massive base that will not wavier. If they haven't abandoned ship after the last four years they aren't going to now. She's going to have to capture the undecided crowd. She's going to have to show up very strong in the debates. We see how he bulldozed Heather Clark four years ago. If I'm the democratic party I'm hoping that we don't see a repeat of that. And on that same thought is America ready for a female president this time around?

Well I think they just might be if she was the nominee chosen to represent the party.

These next few months will answer a lot of these questions for us and I believe for Senator Abner as well. Look I think she knows she has a gigantic task ahead of her. Trant and her have already been going at it back and forth for years. Theres no love lost between the two and I think it will come down to an overall message instead of policy. Do we want to Make America Great Again? We've got a taste of what "great" meant over the past 4 years, or do we want to heal this country and unite? Abner says We're Stronger Together...I guess we'll see which message resonates with voters."


Jennifer's POV


"New York Governor Asher Cohen. White male age 63, democratic affiliation. Has held office since 2011, was previously the Attorney General of New York. Strong on criminal justice, gun control, and same-sex marriage. Family man with 3 children and a wife that he has been married to since the early 2000s. Past controversies include appointee donations, the mishandling of Hurricane Sarah....No sexual harassment allegations on record."

"My vote is going to be no. He's a lovely man and I consider him a friend but we all know that your past has a way of resurfacing", I interject.

"Any objections?", David says surveying the room that includes all of my trusted advisors.

"I'm hearing none. Next profile please."

We look up at the wall the projects the next name and face.

"Former National Security Advisor Suzie Ryan. African American female age 56, democratic affiliation.Served under President Barry Obarr from from 2013 to 2016. Also served as the Assistant Sectary of State for African Affairs. She's a foreign policy guru and a champion for the African American community. Married since 1990 and the mother of two. Past controversies include Benghazi. It's still an aftertaste in a lot of people's mouths."

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