Chapter 83: Torn In Between The Two

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Jennifer's POV

"Rachel, can I speak to you in my office?"


We head to my office and I lock the door.

"I called you Saturday. I got worried when I didn't hear anything back."

"I was out friends I probably didn't hear it."

"Ok, well Greg will be out of town for a couple of days. Would you like to get together tonight?"

She looks down, "I can't I have a date."

"A date?"

"Yeah I met this girl at the bar the other night. Who knew that this lesbian pride band would be such a pussy magnet", she says smiling.

Her demeanor is off, this isn't her to act this way. "Oh ok."

"Anyways I have some work I need to get done before I head out. Did you need anything else?"

"No that was all."

She smiles and walks out the door. 

"Rachel", I call out but she doesn't hear me. "Don't go", I say to myself.


Rachel's POV 

I don't actually have a date planned. I made that up just to see how Jenn would react. I don't know what I was expecting, but I was hoping she would stop me from going. I wanted some kind of indication that she actually cares, but I guess I got my answer. I can't continue to put in effort when I'm getting nothing in return.


"Hey Maddy, It's Rachel from the bar the other night."

"Hey. Rachel from the bar the other night. How are you?"

"Great I was wondering if you're free tonight. I figured I owed you a drink after the other night. Preferably at a bar less straight."

She chuckles, "I'd love to."

"Great I'll text you the location. How's 8?"

"That's perfect. Looking forward to seeing you."


Jennifer's POV

I didn't want Rachel to go, but I couldn't exactly stop her could I? Especially not after our talk about Greg and myself. She's been pulling away and rightfully so. If I was in her shoes I would too. She always puts 100% into making sure whatever this is between us works. I'm glad she has because if she didn't I don't know where we would be today. But I realize that the time has come where I need to make an important decision. Do I lose her or do I lose Greg? Having the best of both world isn't going to work any longer. 

Greg and I have years of history, and he's there when I need him for the most part. I think part of me will always have love for him. Even after all he's done I can't erase our history. But I'm realizing that history is all we are. When I think about the future, sure I could see myself with him but I think I would be forcing myself to be happy. As messed up as it is the image of a perfect family hangs over my head for both personal and professional reasons. Running for office I know that I need him by my side rather I like it or not. But is that enough for me? Just image and perception?

On the other hand I've had this crazy roller coaster of a journey with Rachel. We've gone from enemies,  acquaintances, to this. I've always been hesitant and skeptical when it comes to her seeing as how we started out, but everyday she proves to me that I can trust her. She's fearless, compassionate, determined, and loving. When I'm with her I feel safe like I can be myself. I don't have to put on an act with her. She accepts me for who I am flaws and all. Our intellectual and physical chemistry are off the charts, but still on paper we don't make sense. Our age gap, me being her boss, the fact that even if I'm "consciously uncoupled" from Greg it still doesn't give Rachel and I the green light. 

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