Chapter 59: Awkward Dinner

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The bath was quickly prepared. Two servants were indeed more efficient that one and he mentally thought that he should thank his father for his generosity.

Before he went into the tub, he carefully opened his robe.

He put the handkerchief which contained poison along with his presents for Yao Ling beside the tub. Yao Ying laid back inside the tub and closed his eyes.

He felt his body muscle start to become more relaxed and it also made his headache slightly better.

Yao Ying knew that he couldn't take a bath for too long but he wanted to enjoy the luxury of bathing for a little while.

The women in the brothel really made him feel dirty and he needed to remove the dirt thoroughly.

Before he felt satisfied, Xiu knocked on the door, "Young Master... Young Mistress is waiting for you to eat dinner together. Xiao Yu was just here to send the message."

"Okay," Yao Ying answered.

It seemed like he should finish his bath as soon as possible.

He quickly got out of the tub with a jump and dried himself.

Yao Ying put on his robe and didn't forget to bring the poison and presents along with him. The wife is more important than a mere bath!

Yao Ying went to his room and smiled brightly when he saw Yao Ling waiting for him. "Why are you waiting for me? I don't want you to starve yourself." He sweetly said.

Ah... the best woman in the whole world is really his wife.

Only by seeing her, he could already feel a sense of belonging. He felt that he was at home.

Yao Ying felt too happy and he missed the pout on Yao Ling's face.

"Of course I have to wait upon my husband, otherwise, my dear husband would probably stay at hua lou and forget about this lonely wife," Yao Ling said and smiled eerily.

Yao Ying stopped at his track and sweated profusely. Damn! Did she find out about it? "What... what do you mean, Ling-er? This husband will never forget about you!" He knew he had to explain his behavior, but her piercing gaze really stopped his brain from working.

It looked like his wife was really angry.

He knew right away that he was in deep shit. Damn!

"Oh... just now someone came to me and very... very eagerly... saying that she saw my lovely husband actually went to a hua lou with Young Master Lin Jian," Yao Ling said leisurely, but Yao Ying could feel the chilliness behind her voice. Yes... she was feeling resentful.

Should he just pretend to faint? He probably could gain the beauty's pity and then she would let him off? Yao Ying berated himself inside his mind.

Since when did he become such a coward? He was the one who went along with Lin Jian to the hua lou, then he should be the one who manned up and admitted his wrongdoing.

Even if he had another purpose there, but Yao Ling didn't know about it. For making his wife angry, it was his own mistake.

"I'm sorry," Yao Ying said meekly. "But, I have a reason for it."

Yao Ling knew that he probably had his own reasons.

Yao Ying never did anything that made her doubted him, but she couldn't help but feel angry.

It was a brothel for God's sake! Yao Ling sighed in defeat and nodded, "I will listen to your reasoning later. For now, we should probably eat first. I don't want us to talk about this matter with an empty stomach. An empty stomach can make people's mood become bad. I want us to talk peacefully."

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