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It is the 15th of October 2019 and I have finally settled down in my brand new home I bought myself in the Sisli district on the European side of Istanbul in the Nisantasi suburb. It is a great area and the people here are great. The new restaurant I've started here is doing great since we opened the doors in January and I have been living between cape town and Istanbul till my business here has taken off well and it has since I've opened, on the 2nd of January.

It is a great thing that I've gone on that British cooking show called 'sweet factory' and won the season finale with my baked creations and won a cash prize of one point two million pounds. With that winnings, I moved to Istanbul and set up my restaurant I am planning to buy out the two shop's next door and turn that into my bakery, but that is my dream in the next two years. I really love the fact that the restaurant location is half on a hill overlooking the great Istanbul so you can see the bridge with all the ships coming and going and it is on the main road leading in and out of town.

Considering the location of the restaurant we do get many of Turkey's rich and famous eating my food I cook for them.

I took this week off to move in and get settled into my new home I bought here. Friday afternoon I walked to my neighbors on my left and took a cake I've baked two days ago and decorated with me to go introduce myself to my new neighbors. I press the intercom at their gate and I spoke over the monitor and the large wooden gate swings open and outcome a stunning woman. gosh, she's tall. Following her is a beautiful man.

'Merhaba ma'am, I am Hope Jansen, your new neighbor. I moved in last week and finally got settled wanted to meet my neighbors.'

'Wonderful to meet you Miss Jansen welcome to the neighborhood I am Öznur Gül and this is my boyfriend Mustafa Hikmet.' We all shook hands.

'I hope you like cake ma'am because I've baked you a cake to come and meet you.'

'Goodness that is so thoughtful. We love cake. Thank you so much.' She took the cake from me.

'You are welcome ma'am, sir. I would like to invite you to my restaurant sometime and maybe we can have dinner sometime.' I invited them and gave them my business card.

'That would be great.' she smiled

'I placed the address for the restaurant on the cake box.'

'Thank you so much.' Öznur smiled.

'You're welcome, ma'am sir. Now you lovey people have a great evening and enjoy the cake.'

'Thank you. Have a lovely evening Miss Jansen.' I left their property and their gate swing closed behind me. I walked back to my triple story home and got the other cake I've baked and decorated. I walked over to my neighbor on my right side. I press the intercom button and I repeated the same speech word for word. The heavy solid-looking gate swings open and I walk down the long driveway to meet the owner of this stunning looking property there is lush thick grass lawn with flower beds with the most exquisite flowers filling every inch of the garden. it looks like a fairy kingdom.

I met the owner and we shook hands.
'Merhaba, sir. I am Hope Jansen I have recently moved in next door and I just wanted to meet my new neighbors.' He shook my hand.

'Nice to meet you, Miss Jansen. I am Akin Akinözü and welcome to the neighborhood ma'am. Sorry for asking but where are you from?' He asked and I clicked how this is and it is the actor that is playing "Miran", in my new favorite TV series.

'I am from South Africa, sir. I have recently opened a restaurant in town I would like to invite you to come and have a nice meal, whenever you have some spare time.

'Thank you that would be great. How about tomorrow night?' He asked as he hasn't let go of my hand he shook earlier. He is still holding it in both of his.

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