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Early Saturday morning Akin dragged me out of bed and we went back to the mall and he is buying me a new dress that actually fits me and does hang off me like over side bin bag. I settle for a turquoise and soft yellow color mix. He even bought me flat shoes to match. We got back home and the whole house is in organized chaos. I instructed how the wedding cake needs to be couriered to the reception hall and put in the fridge there. They drive it and send me photos once it was in the fridge at the reception. Akin and I made ourselves scares. We took a bath together then got dressed on our time after a two-hour nap. Two-forty PM, we left for the church and Akin and I sat waiting for everything to start. I felt short of breathe again since we sat down.

'Love you okay?' Akin asked me as he saw me acting funny.

'I feel very short of breath. It feels like I am going to run out of air.' And because of that, I look like I am yawning all the time but it is to get actual air to my lungs. The ceremony started and Helen and dad came walking down the aisle. They passed us and I bolt out the back door with Akin at my side. I held onto the wall gasping for a proper breathe. Akin's arms were around me and to crown everything it started to rain while we're outside. I'm holding my baby as I try very hard to keep breathing.

I close my eyes and try to calm down and that is not it. Akin were with me every step. It took me a half an hour to start feeling better. We left the church, going over to the reception hall. I assemble the wedding cake on the cake table. We placed our wedding gift on the gift table. The caterers and wedding planner is running around before the rest of the guest arrived.

We sat around waiting when I couldn't breathe again. This isn't funny anymore. Akin held me in his arms.
'Is she okay?' The wedding planner asked Akin.

'No, she is not. Can you please call someone to come and look at her please.' Akin asked her.

'Of course.' The wedding planner said and got on the phone. She called an ambulance and they came to look at me. They arrived as a third one happened. Mom and dad also arrived as the ambulance did.

'Hope? Akin? What is going on?' Dad asked and mom is in the back of the ambulance with Akin and me.

'Hope is having trouble breathing since before the ceremony started, so we went outside and it took almost thirty minutes for her to get her breathe back. Then we came here she assembled the cake when it happened two more times where she barely got any air. I thought she was going to pass out. That's when the wedding planner called the ambulance for us.' Akin explained. The paramedics got an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. After twenty minutes I started to feel better and Akin asked them if they have a small oxygen tank he can buy from them with the mask I have on. They sold us a big bottle of oxygen with the mask. Akin even paid them from coming out. We stayed behind as the ambulance drove off again. There was a side room inside the reception hall and they lay me down on the couch with my oxygen.

'According to google it is normal to be short of breathe in your second trimester because it is caused by the hormones and also as your lung capacity shrinks as the baby grows bigger.' Akin read it on his phone.

'This is considered normal?' Dad said pacing the room. Akin is holding my hand and kissing my fingers while rubbing my hair back.

'It does make sense.' Mom said sitting next to Akin.

'If it comes to it will it be okay to rather take Hope home then stay here?' Akin asked my parents.

'Of course, it is okay son. We will explain it to Helen and Peter later.' Dad said and gave Akin's shoulder a firm squeeze.

'Thank you, dad.' Akin said it for the first time to my father and it just sounded right.

'You're welcome. You take such great care of our daughter and grandsons and for that, we need to thank you.'

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