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We got home and my family and the Akinözü family took over my house as everyone is repairing my home for me with all the horrible bullet holes in the walls. They have already fixed all the broken windows. My sisters and Akin's brothers are all painting where everything has already been repaired. One of Jihan's men drove me home. Apparently they have been busy with my home over a week now.

'Hi, there she is. Come - come on in honey. Take a load off that leg of yours.' Akin's mother smiled when she saw me.

'Thank you, ma'am. But I can't take a load of my leg. I still a few things to do before our wedding on Saturday.' I explained.

'Then let us help you with whatever you still need to do honey.' My mother spoke up and stepped closer.

'Okay. Well, I kind of need you guys to help me get to the mall.'

'Alright, let us quickly grab our handbags then we can go.' They gathered their things and we left for the mall. Akin's security drove me and my two mother's to the mall. The mall borrowed us one of their wheelchairs for me. We head to the bridal shop and go look through a few dresses. I took a few hours to find the dress I like. But while we searched for my dress we ordered the flowers for Akin's home and then the restaurant where we are going to have the reception.

By the end of the day, we all left the mall and drive by the restaurant and go check in on my business. I go over the books and it has been doing better than great even in my absence. I went over the books and we made a great amount of money. Since it is the end of the month I paid over everyone's salaries and paid all our suppliers and placed a few new orders.

I told my staff what is going to happen here on Saturday and they said it will all be great. Then Gül and my staff chased out the door to go and rest my leg. We got home and rejoined our family with Akin that got home with us. He walked fast towards us and then hugged me just happy that I am home. He kissed me and then greeted our mothers. His mother said what the doctor said about my leg and he saw how my leg has swollen from being on it too much today and picked me up and carried me to our room.

'You look tired love?' He said as we reached our room.

'I am with me in hospital I couldn't get to our wedding things so we did all that today and everything is arranged for Saturday even the magistrate to marry us.'

'Good. Now take your medicine and we both can take a quick shower and you can get into bed and rest.'

'Alright.' I took my medicine then Akin and I got in a shower. While we were in the shower we had a quicky and then got dressed in nice clean clothes. We were handed a plate of food our sisters cooked and we sat eating quickly. I was tucked in and I fell asleep and slept till the next morning. It felt wonderful to just sleep and not be woken by nurses every ten minutes. Akin left for the gym so he will be prepared for his new role. They start filming in two weeks.

I got into the kitchen after we all ate breakfast. I started to bake our two-tier wedding cake. After the cakes baked and gotten in the fridge to cool off so I can start getting it prepared for the royal frosting and then went back into the fridge so the frosting can harden and I can get the fondant on the cake and start with the final stages of decorating it. Akin's mother were at my side watching me prepare every stage of this cake. When I finally placed the last buttercream flower on the cake her jaw dropped to the floor in awe to have seen such a masterpiece.

My mother stepped in and told my new mother-in-law-to-be when I started out in chef school and how many cakes I baked and they all ate. So while they all exchange my stories if baking, I left going to the restaurant and got busy with last night's books and then got busy in the kitchen cooking for my customers. Early evening I went home with my aching leg. It felt like my leg had a heartbeat of its own.

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