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Our holiday was great and it couldn't be at a more perfect time in our lives. Akin and I even got closer to each other then we were before. The boys are great too. We got back home and Akin left to start filming his movie. I finally called the studio back with my answer and they were through the roof when they found that I am going to do it. They wanted to meet so we set up a meeting at the restaurant's board room. The twins are with my mother in law and Deniz is with me since I still have to breastfeed him. Damn it my old injured leg is really sore today.

When I go off to feed Deniz I sit with my leg in the air. Our fresh produce delivery is here and Gül is handling it for me while I am busy with my baby. After he was done did I change his dirty nappy and rocked him to sleep. I lay him back in his stroller in my office. Akin got away early from the set and came by the restaurant and surprised me with lovely roses. I kissed him hello.
'How was work?' I asked him.

'Work is great, till my co-star broke his arm and now we have to wait for him to heal before we can continue to film.'

'What? He really can't be in every freakin scene?'

'No he is not. I have to be on set again tomorrow at four-thirty AM for hair and makeup.' He replied.

'I see. You want to taste something delicious?' I asked him.

'Yes please.' He said and walked into the kitchen walking towards me. I am making some creamy strawberry sauces with pancakes, with homemade vanilla ice cream on the side. I let him taste the sauce.

'Oh, my ghod... That's incredible.' He breathed I made him a plate along with the customer's plates and rang the bell so the waiter can take the two plates away to the table and handed Akin his plate with a fork.

'I called the studio this morning.' I started talking.


'They were over the moon that I'm going to do this. We have a meeting on Thursday here in the board room.'

'Cool, make sure you understand every aspect of the contract. Ask as many questions as you can but don't sign anything until you know exactly what you are signing yourself into.'

'I will. Promise. Can Azat look at the contract for us?'

'I can give him a call that he can come to the house to look at it for us.'

'That will be nice.' I said as I chop some celery and peppers. He pulled out his phone and called Azat our lawyer. They set up a meeting at an hour house for Friday afternoon at our house.

'So how was the pancakes?' I asked him taking his empty plate from him and put a cup of coffee in his hand.

'It was the best dessert I've had today.' He smiled as he took a sip of his coffee.

'Oh, and what was your other dessert you had then?' I asked curiously, returning his smile. He just smiled and took another sip of his coffee as he plays with his eyebrows looking at me. Then I get what he was saying, he was talking about me and our shower session this morning. He just made me blush and it made him laugh a little louder, pulling me towards his. I kissed him and he kissed me back.

'I love you.' He spoke loud enough so the whole kitchen can hear us.

'I love you more handsome. Can you please take Deniz home with you.'

'Of course.'

'Thank you. The twins are at your parents. They insisted when they called this morning.'

'Oh, I'll go pick them up then.'

'Thank you. Please drive safe the roads are wet.'

'We will. Bye angel girl. See you tonight.'

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