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Valentine 's day Akin spoiled me with a weekend away. Then again for our wedding anniversary. Akin won the best drama TV actor and the best supporting actor in a movie. My businesses got awarded again for the Michelin three-star for the third year running. On the twenty-third of July, our baby girl Dawn Hope was born at home by Akin himself.

All three Akin's older brothers got married a month apart from each other. Helen and Peter are expecting their first baby and Tracy and Angela finally broke off their engagement. Which was a massive relief to all of us. Mom and dad finally retired at sixty-eight.

Akin and I couldn't be any happier. Yes, we did fight from time to time about serious issues but we sort it out and move on.

As time ticked on way too quickly it was time for our kids to start school. As they all pass through their grades and schools they all finally get to university where they all studied their chosen professions. The twins took after Akin's acting career. Deniz took after me and Dawn wanted to be a doctor so we send her to the best schools to help her get there. Akin and I grew very old but still very actively busy and crystal clear of mind and supple bodies, surrounded by our twenty-four grandchildren and later our thirty-five great-grandchildren.

Yes, we become that old and still, we were active. When we told people we still run and do exercises at my age of 132 they don't believe us. Akin is a whole seven years younger than me which makes him 125 and still going.
'Akin love if you look back at our life together don't you think our hundred years together is a marvelous record.'

'Yes, dear and if I can have all of them over I would just to have another hundred years with you.' He smiled at me and gave me a hug as then kissed me while our family was busy washing the dishes. They saw us hugging and kissing and they smiled to see us still so happy. Then one morning we got a call from this one morning TV show they want to have us on as the oldest still married celebrity couple still going strong. We talked and agreed to it. It would be fun to be in front of a camera again. After eight seasons of my cooking show and seventy-five cookbooks I published, I felt it was enough. As for Akin, he had over a hundred film projects in his life.

The following week we went on the show and they really made a big song and dance for the two of us. At our ages, we still walk like we're in our twenties up straight not hunched over with walkers. We walked on the show and Akin and I agreed to show them what it looks like to be our ages and we both performed a full cartwheel before we greeted the host of the show. The whole audience went crazy when they saw us do this. We even took a bow. Akin took my hand and kissed the back of it.

We finally sat down and we weren't even out of breathe when we sat down. She asked us question upon question of our life and showed the people at home our kids when they were small and then our whole group of grandchildren and now our great-grandchildren. The audience's reaction was quite something. I have to say. After the show, we shook hands with the host and our driver drove us home.

The day after I turned 151 I passed away in my sleep. When Akin saw this and realized I was gone, he had a heart attack and passed away immediately as he joined me in the afterlife. In the past twelve years, I've written books with our life stories in them for our generation after us. In the past twelve years, I've published twenty-eight books, seven of them were through a publishing house and the rest I self-published. There where two done manuscripts on my tablet that only needed to be edited and then need to be published. I even made the covers for them already before I passed away.

Our grandchildren came across these manuscripts and they wanted to honor Akin and me so they had it published. It flew off the shelves. And so Akin and I, we both entered the next stage of our lives into the afterlife hand in hand.


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