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Two days later I came to in mind-numbing pain. I went into panic mode as I saw where I was.
'Hey...hey... It's okay. You're okay angel girl. Just calm down. There you go nice easy breathes.' Akin spoke to my right. He is also holding my hand.

'What? What...happened?' I asked him and he looked at me with a question mark on his face.

'You were in an accident two days ago baby girl.'

'No that I know. What happened that I am laying here in your room?'

'You passed out in the waiting room, they took you to the ER and started to examine you. They found that your three months pregnant, two of your ribs are broken on your left side and your right side ribs are badly bruised. Your skull has a hairline fracture.' Hearing all my injuries like it's a shopping list sounds depressing and yet I am still alive. It brought tears to my eyes.

'Is our baby okay? He didn't get hurt in that accident?'

'No love they made sure he is fine.'

'Good, that will explain my sore breasts for the past week.'

'Why didn't you say anything sweetheart?'

'Because we needed to get through the last filming session.'

'Okay angel what happened that you are in such a state? The last I saw of you was when I send you home to go and get some proper rest.'

'I asked Tarik to go by the restaurant so I can make sure everything is still okay. The cash in transit guys came an hour early. They took our takings if the day away. After the restaurant closed I took the last hour's money in my handbag.'

'How much was in it?' Akin asked.

'I triple checked it was just over one thousand one hundred lira that I took with us when we locked up. We were driving home when a car came out of the side road and hit us so hard our car rolled twice. My seat belt somehow came loose and I was thrown about in our role.' I can see Akin getting really mad. 'We came to a standstill on the driver's side of the car. Then the next moment the passenger side window got smashed in and a man jumped in and ramage through my handbag for the money bag. He only grabbed the money bag and they ran for their car. I got my phone out and in their race to get away I took a photo of the back of their car's license plate. Then the bystanders helped me to break out the windshield and I got out and took all the photos of our car for our records. That is when I called the police and Jihan and Tarik's mother.' I told him my story.
'The police took my statement four times till they saw that the stop sign across from us had a traffic camera on it and said they will look in on it.'

'Good so you already gave your statement. Jihan and I were wondering why the police haven't been here already.' Akin spoke and kissed my hand.

'How are you feeling, love?' I asked him.

'Much better they are planning to released me by tonight.'

'Good I am happy you are all better handsome man. Are the boys okay?'

'Yes, they are still with my parents.'

'Bless their souls.' I stated.

'May I see the photos you took please?' Akin asked me and stood and kissed my forehead.

'Yes, of course, where is my belongings love?' He hands me my bag with my close and I pulled my phone from the bag. I got on my phone and scroll through to my phone gallery and got the recent photos I took and showed him. He scrolled through the photos, then looked sharply up at me. He clenched his jaw in anger over and over. I know that he is angry so I just kept quiet so he can work through this on his own.

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