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I have been preparing for Zumbo's arrival all week. He finally shows up and asked for my specialty dishes and pastries and we carried it out once I was done with it. I stood waiting for his opinion on my food. Actually I wasn't breathing at all at the moment. Angelo Zumbo took his first bite of my creamy spinach linguini topped with top quality sirloin.

'Oh, my ghod... I have never tasted anything this good and it is just the right kind of richness to it and the steak melts in your mouth. Ten out of ten. He moves on to my nine layers of heaven dessert. What it is, I took his eight layers of vanilla decadence dessert and made my own variety. It is nine thin layers of soft almond and peach flavors covered in a thin layer of white Belgium chocolate and served with a dollop of whipped cream on the side. He breaks through the chocolate shell and opens up the dessert to see the layers. He even smells it. He took the first bite and his face said it all. Then the comments came. Oh, ghod... I don't think my nerves will hold up any longer.

'I see that I have inspired you to top my eight layers if vanilla decadence with your nine layers of heaven and it truly is a piece of heaven. The flavors are not overpowering and it paring with almonds and peaches work so well together. I am truly impressed Hope. Your reputation in the culinary world has not disappointed me at all.'

'Thank you, sir, to have such high praise from the master such as yourself it is really overwhelming.' After his tastings, we talked about the show and they will even pay me a handsome amount in Australian dollars for each of the four episodes I will be in. Filming starts in a month and my four episodes will be the final four episodes of this season shows. And he even thinks to make my nine layers of almond and peach dessert the final creation of the show finally.

The show will be aired on Netflix four months after filming and all the editing are done. He gave me the contract for the four episodes and I pulled Akin out of the restaurant's board room where he has been working most of the morning. We both read the contract and we both feel it sound and I signed it after the fifth time of reading it. We shook hands and Angelo left and flew back to Australia. Akin said he will book the four of us flights to Australia and a hotel room for the three weeks we will be in Australia at the end of June. That is in six and a half weeks which makes it end of September beginning of October. With Zumbo back in Australia, it felt my stress disappear and my stress headache starts up again.

It took me four days to get over my migraine I had. Akin and Mrs. Divit's looked after the twins while I work through a mountain of pain inside my skull. Although it felt more like my brain wanted to escape through my temples. The day after I felt better I was back in the work seat running my two businesses.


A week before we had to fly out to Australia, I was called to the table of four customers. Gül introduced me to the people sitting around the table. They invited me to sit with them. So I pulled up a chair and we started talking about their string of meals they just tested and wanted to award me a three-star Michelin class restaurant and me as a Michelin star-rated chef. And also being the first Turkish restaurant and chef to have received such an amazing reward. I thanked them over and over to have given me such an award and to thank them I let them taste my nine layers of heaven dessert. They dive into it and took the first bite. The comments they gave was great and something to be cherished.

After an hour they all left and I have received two certificates with my three-star status and two small glass trophies with one having my name on it and the other the restaurant's name on it. I just sat in my office in the restaurant trying to process what the hell just happened to me. After I came to my senses again I called up Akin and told him what has just happened. He was at the restaurant within half an hour with the twins. He even brought two frames for the certificate we just received and ten dozen red roses for me as congratulations. We shared the love with all the tables as we placed small round vases with the roses in them.

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