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We have just arrived at Cape Town International Airport. Tracy came to fetch us at the airport. We said hello to Tracy and off she goes she kept talking by herself while Akin and I just looked at each other and listened to yap on and on for an hour and twenty-three minutes straight. Oh, if you were wondering if Akin and I did do it in the first-class bathroom the answer is a big fat yes. And it was only the two of us in first-class anyway. So thirty minutes into our flight from Dubai to Cape Town did we slip away and did it at thirty thousand feet in the air. It really was such a rush and an experience. I had never had such an intense orgasm before.

We did it twice in our flight time over here. We finally stopped at my parent's home in Rondebosch. Akin looked at me then back at the house.
'You grew up here angel?' He asked me in Turkish.

'Yes, love but only partly. I was born in George. It is up the coast five and a half hours drive that way.'

'I would like to see this George, village.'

'Sure maybe daddy can let us borrow one of his cars to drive out that way.'

'That would be nice.' Mom, dad, Helen and her fiance Peter came walking out of the house and came and greet us and help us carry our things to the separate flat that overlooks the pool. The guys carry in our four bags. I got our wedding attire in the closet.

'Gosh let me look at you, honey.' My mom asked and turned me to the side so she can see my five and a half-month-old baby bump. 'You a glowing so beautifully.' She smiled at me and kissed my hands.

'Thanks, mama. Do you perhaps have some ice for me and Akin we just want to cool down our ears from all Tracy's talking. All we said at the airport was hello and off she goes.' We all chuckled until I saw my puffy feet and hands.

'Yes, I think I have some ice in the kitchen.' Mom played along. Akin were talking and bonding with my father and future brother-in-law. He looked at me and smiled the men came over to our group. 'So how long were you guys flying?' Mom asked me.

'We flew for twenty-two hours, mama. Which is why we are tired of sitting down.' Akin stepped closer to me, as I rubbed my baby bump.

'Okay, then why don't you guys take a car and go walk around the V&A waterfront?' Mom suggested. I was about to answer her when Helen came running to our little group and said that the bakery that were doing their wedding cake just dropped their masterpiece on it's way to the fridge. Mom looked from her to me.

'Will you be able to do a miracle here sweetheart.' Helen frowned at mom and me. Then she clicked.

'Please sussa, please put your Michelin star rated hands to work.' Helen said almost begging me on her knees.

'Of course, I can make something happen, but I am going to need help. I can't stand for long periods of time. My feet are getting so sore with this little knucklehead.'

'Whatever you need let me know.'

'Okay quickly call the bakery back and say they should salvage some of the cake the can and send it over we can still make something of it. Then demand they deduct their ingredients from the price you paid for the cake and the rest they should pay you back. The fault was on them not you.'

'Okay.' Helen got on the phone and talked to the baker. I started to make a list of ingredients I will need the wedding is in six days so no pressure. Tracy and Helen later drove off to go and pick up the crumbled wedding cake and buy all the ingredients I gave them.

Akin and I walked off and go take a nice shower. It felt so good. We called home and mama and papa Akinözü are looking after the twins for us. Two hours later, my twin sisters returned with everything I asked for and mom and my two sisters with myself got in the main house's kitchen and started mixing all the cake batter together. Akin at the big dining table in the kitchen watching us girls laugh and work. Mom and dad bought this house with three ovens so we got the four cakes in the oven and let it bake. Now with the crumbled wedding cake they picked up, I made mom and Tracy get their hands dirty. I made them mush the cake up more and then let them use a medium size ice-cream scoop and role the scoops in balls. I got the white chocolate melting in a glass measuring jug the hundred paper straws with white and gold swirls around it I dip in the white chocolate and into mom and Tracy's cake balls. Then dip the whole ball in the white chocolate and let most of it drip off then place it on a large cooking sheet.

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