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Our new menu is a huge hit with our customers. We are also running a few seasonal specials, and it is going well. I there are a few culinary conventions in Italy and Akin bought me a train ticket with Taric for the week. The convention is great I video recorded all the latest food trends and tricks I saw and could improve upon some. Then strangely I didn't reckon that people would recognize me at all and that is when all the autographs and selfies started. They even asked me to bring out a cookbook. I never really thought about a cookbook so I told them there will be one in the near future.

After the week was over Tarik and I took the train back to Istanbul.
'Tarik how is married life treating you?'

'Married life is great. Yes, we have our ups and downs like in all marriages I suppose.'

'Do you two fight a lot about your job?'

'Yes. How do you know this?'

'Because if I put myself in your new wife's shoes I will also fight for you to get a less dangerous job so you two can grow very old together. But once you have this line of job in your blood it is very hard to shake.' He just nods his head. 'You do get her point of it all, right.'

'Yes, I do. She's a grade school teacher.' He let me know.

'Where did you two meet?'

'At my older brother's birthday party two years ago. She came with my middle brother's girlfriend. They shared a dorm room back then.'

'I see. What do you do to keep it fresh in your marriage?' I asked him.

'We go to the movies on my days off.'

'Okay let me asked you this. What did you two love doing when you were still dating?'

'We used to go on picnics in the country.'

'Then why did you stop doing it? You two may have gotten married but you can keep dating and doing fun things together.' He sat listening and thought about what I just said. 'Akin and I still have date nights on occasion. It is a little different for date night when I have to pee every five minutes being pregnant.' He just nods his head. 'Always remember you two were boyfriend and girlfriend first before you two got married so always try to keep that in mind, and if you want to take her away for a weekend or even a week or two do it. Life is to damn short to let it slip past you like this.'

'You are right ma'am I will think about it.'

'Good, man.' The rest of our train ride was in silence. My eight months old baby is kicking me silly. I can't wait for the eighteenth of July anymore. We arrived at the train station and Tarik got our car from the garage. When I stood waiting for him to come driving out of the garage. Akin is on set filming the commercial. I saw Tarik drive up to me when I felt my legs getting wet. I looked down and yes, my water has just broken. Tarik parked in front of me and got our bags in the car.

'Hope?' Tarik spoke and walked over to me where I stood frozen in one place.

'Tarik, my water just broke and you should call Akin to please meet us at the hospital.'

'Yes, ma'am right away.' He helped me into the car as I sit on a towel I got from my suitcase. We drove off and it started to pour down. Tarik could get a hold of Akin but got Jihan on the phone. Tarik let him know what is going on with me and to let Akin know. We were on the freeway now but could drive fast at all the traffic stood bumper to bumper. My third lot of pains started and I can see Tarik is starting to panic.

'Hey relax. Everything will be okay.'

'Yes, ma'am.' He said and were a little pale. While we stood stock still on the freeway. I hopped out of the front passenger side and got in the back of the car. It looks like we are going to be in this traffic mess for a while. So while we are sitting still doing nothing then to listen to the radio giving the traffic report. Apparently there is a five-car pileup that involves a truck's breaks that failed in this downpour. I worked through all my pain with Tarik being here for me. Always have a few bottles of water in the cars. He gave me some water to drink. We moved a little forward after forty minutes. We driver about five feet then stood still again. Half an hour later we drove two feet and stood still again. Akin finally called us back on "WhatsApp" video call.

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