A different journey begins

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In the Willow Woods, Aris had further discussed things with Ilani. Learning about the 'corruption' the lies within him. Ilani gave his explanation whilst Aris feared for what it could mean. However, during all of this, a strange problem occurred. Ilani taking a physical form means parting ways from Aris' own body. Especially the source of energy within Aris. It requires both sources of energy to be constantly combined as one. Neither of them were aware of this and so the consequences followed. Which ultimately resulted in Aris' unforeseen death. At least, that's what appears to be the case.

~The night from which Ori left~
(First person)

I just... couldn't sleep. This 'dark' energy I can constantly feel is trapping me under a weight of anxiety.

Not even the comfort of my own bed could calm me, nor the company of my sleeping family around me.

I know that every second I waste waiting here, under my sheets, is one step closer to Nibel's destruction.

I can't let that happen... I can't lose everything that's important to me. Not again, not now, not ever. I love my family, oh so very much. Losing them would mean losing the will to live. Honestly, I'm only making myself feel more terrified.

It seems... I'm giving myself little of a choice... It's about time I left...

I kicked off the covers and quickly leaped down from my bed. Without paying any attention to what's below, nor giving it a second thought. I was quick to realize my foolish mistake. I twist and maneuver my body however I could, to narrowly miss several twigs that lay across the floor. My own hooves also centimeters away from Gumo's head. I quietly sigh in relief as I did not want to wake the others. Nor trod on Gumo...

I questioned as to why it was so messy, why sticks and other items are scattered across the floor. Oh, I remember. We had such a feast several hours ago... there was no special occasion as to why other than both Naru and Gumo salvaged lots of food. Guess the trees are topped with fruit this season.

But besides that... it's rather annoying we made such a mess the very night I have to leave. Making me spend more time to sneak out without a sound.

If I were to be found out, especially by Naru, my chances of leaving would fall to nothing. If either Gumo or Naru saw me, they would question my actions and put me back to bed. Where I then have to wait until both of them drift off to sleep again. Whilst for Ku... he would only worry.

I carefully walk towards the cave's entrance. Slowly step by step. The only sound to be heard was my own two hooves touching the stone floor. Subtle 'tapping' sounds for each step.

After a few minutes, I successfully set foot outside the cave. Without any disturbances. At least... that was the case till I took another step. I forgot the planks outside the cave's entrance would bend and creak from even my own weight. Resulting in the sound to echo into the cave.

I freeze on the spot with my back raised, as did my fur. I slowly turn around and listen. No voice or sound responded to the sudden disturbance I unintentionally made.

I sigh in relief and continue my leave. This time, I avoid the planks entirely and jump down to the ground.

I quickly however realize I made the same mistake I did back in the cave. Not paying any attention whatsoever to what's below. It was a marsh, a very damp marsh. I was basically jumping down into water.

I try my upmost best to cling back onto the wooden planks as I fall. But they were slippery and covered with moss. Not even my own ability to cling to most walls would help.

Ori & Aris the Journey Through Nibel (proofreading and improving chapters)Where stories live. Discover now