A sudden foe

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After dozing off near the strange being, Aris was abruptly woken up by Ilani. Who had finally returned after the 'explosive' event. He pleaded Ori to help what actually appeared to be Aris. Sharing his own energy, this reformed the light within Aris and healed him. Once Aris had regained consciousness, there was a short lived introduction to Ori. Before a different discussion ensued. Ori agreed to lead the two back towards Nibel, though Ilani having to stay hidden to grant easy access to the glade. After shaking hands Ori was left feeling uneasy. Sensing the energy he originally came to find emitting from Aris. Or in a logical case, from Ilani. Accompanied with the confusion as to how he failed to notice it sooner.

~Some time later~

"So, how long will the journey take?" Aris asked.
Ori turned to answer, though he briefly paused. Upon seeing Aris tremble excitingly. The impatience within him was clearly overflowing.

"To be honest... I'm not entirely sure. Because on my way here, I had some help."

"Help? From whom?"

"A shadowling."

"Where was this?" Ilani speaks in.

"Inside a strange temple. One I had never seen before and till now. Does that sound familiar to you, Ilani?"

"No... I've never heard of such a temple. Nor the assumption that my kind would even reside in temples. Besides the, uh, darkness within them."

"I see. Well, the shadowling had access to a Spirit Well"

"What's that?" Aris twitched an ear, upon hearing of such a strange contraption.

"It allows creatures of light to teleport to other wells across the land. The speed of teleportation being instantaneous regardless of the distance traveled. It's truly remarkable." Ori explained.

"But if it's only for light creatures, then why did the shadowlings have it?" Ilani didn't quite understand it.

"Shouldn't you know the reason already? As a shadowling yourself- sigh- n-no matter, I'll just explain it all later. Let's just keep going, this will take a while. I recommend we spend more time walking than talking."

The two agree and so a long silence ensues.
Other than the sound of hooves on the ground, wind rustling the branches and the lack of animal life. All was quiet. Which also made things unusually uncomfortable at that.

After what feels to be an hour, Ilani finally breaks the silence.
"I think... I think something is coming." 

"What do you mean? How can you tell?" Aris stops on the spot.

Ori then does the same. Confused as what Ilani claimed was completely unexpected.

"As a shadowling, our kind enables us to feel disturbances from afar. Even a mere twig breaking is enough. Although said ability isn't easy to control. It's random at best which deems it unreliable."

"Well regardless if it's random or not, we should still move quickly. By my guess, it'll be harder for whatever is following us to track our movement." Following Ori they trekked the woods quickly in an attempt to silently escape.

"So uh Ori, what is Nibel like?" Aris asked curiously. Ignoring the situation completely.

"To me, it's an amazing place. Although I haven't experienced it's beauty that much..."

Ori & Aris the Journey Through Nibel (proofreading and improving chapters)Where stories live. Discover now