Part One: Can't be helped then

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You stand by Dekapan in his lab while the brothers still staring at you. After you fell in the middle of the night directly onto them while they slept they can't really believe it. You don't even remember how this could even happen. The only thing you know was how you laid in your bed and the next thing you knew was the hard fall onto the brothers.

In the morning their parents were really curious about you. I mean, a girl with their six NEET sons? That's something every mother want to know in this moment. After explaining Jyushimatsu came to the idea to ask Dekapan. Maybe he can help. But you still wore your sleeping clothes. What included a simple, white top and black pajama pants. So Matsuyo gave you spare clothes and underwear. Well, you needed to put on one of the underwear from the brothers but they don't know about this.

The clothes you wear are from the brothers as well. You put on the purple hoodie from Ichimatsu and the shorts from Karamatsu. Of course the hoodie is two sized bigger than yourself, but you didn't seem to mind it at all. You wear the belt from Karamatsu too so that the shorts will not fall down after one foot step. And you wear the slippers from Jyushimatsu, but even they don't really fit you.

Dekapan made with a few things a check to find out why you're here. After the results he gathered you seven together so all of you know the reason. "It looks like one of my old inventions is the reason for that dasu." You seven hum confused. "You see dasu, I made an invention who should teleport things. But it didn't worked when I turned it on dasu. So I throw it away. It seems like the invention just had a long process to teleport one thing. But ... it's been over a year dasu."

"So that means ... I stuck here now for a while?" You ask with a calm voice. "Seems like it." Dekapan said unwell. You hum and close your eyes. Thinking about something. "B-But you can do something Dekapan, right?" Choromatsu ask a bit panicked. Because he don't want to see a cute girl sad, neither crying. "I'll try. I'll call you over your home telephone when I have some news for you dasu."

You seven say thanks and walking out of the lab. When you're outside the brothers looking worried at you. Since you turned your back too them they can't see your face. "Um ... a-are you al-?!" But before Karamatsu can ask you suddenly slap yourself with your hands on your cheeks. Causing the brothers to flinch. It sounded even painful.

You sigh and put your hands at your hips. "Welp, can't be helped then." You turn back to face the brothers. What they surprise is that you're smiling. "A-Aren't you mad or something?" Ichimatsu ask unsure. Because they thought you would scream or panic around. You hum surprised. "I could be sad or show any emotion that would make me look like an insane person. But ... does it change the situation I'm in right now?" You ask smiling a bit. The sextuplets looking surprised at you.

"But I don't know where I should stay for this time. Maybe I ask Dekapan if he-" Before you can mumble your thoughts to the end you get interrupted. "You can live by us!" "E-Eh?" Now you look a bit unsure to the brothers. Osomatsu lays an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer. "As long as you don't know where to go you can stay at our place~!"

Yes, the brothers still don't know your name. "B-But ... aren't I a b-burden to you?" You ask shy. Looking down to the ground with a blush on your cheeks. Causing the sextuplets to blush as well. Finding you even more cute.

"?!" Osomatsu get ripped away from you. Now Karamatsu has his arm around your waist to pull you closer. "Oh my dearest Karamatsu girl! You aren't a burden at all! As long as it needs you can stay with me." Karamatsu smiles in a cool way and even put his sunglasses on. "Ha?!" Now the five looking pissed at Karamatsu. Standing next to him. "Like hell you stay with her Shittymatsu!" "She's staying with me!" "She's staying with all of us you idiots!"

The brothers ripping Karamatsu away from you and starting to fight in a cloud of dust at each other. You stare at them unsure while a few sweat beads running down your face. Not really known what to do now. "Um ... g-guys?" But the six can't hear you. They yell at each other so loud that your voice isn't coming inside theirs ears. So you try to grab one out of the dust cloud. "Uah!"

But you only end up getting grabbed and throw into it. When someone hits you with his fist into your face you hiss in pain. The brothers quickly stopping. Seeing you laying on the ground while having one hand onto your cheek. "Who punched her?!" You get whining a bit up from the ground. "I-It's okay. I-It was my fault anyways. Never interrupting a fight between six guys."

Jyushimatsu helps you to stand in your legs again. Choromatsu takes your hand from your cheek away. It's pretty red and sure a bruise will stay for a few days. But Choromatsu realize now how near he is to you. "I-I'm sorry!" He quickly backs away. You laugh softly and say with a small smile: "Is okay. Thank you for checking it." 'She's so nice and cute! How did I even deserve this?! Aaaaah! I want to hug her so badly!!' Choromatsu thinks.

"Ah! I remember, I totally forgot to introduce myself! Um ... I'm (l/n) (y/n). Nice to meet you." You say smiling happy. 'Kawaii~!' The brothers thinking at the same time. Before the others can introduce themselves someone takes your free hand and pulls you with him. "Eh?" "We should go in a cafe so you can put something cold on your cheek, (l/n)-san. I'll pay, don't worry. Oh! And I'm Matsuno Todomatsu. But you can call me Totty."

Todomatsu pulls you down the street. While the others staring in shock. Before the anger set in.  'This sly monster!' As quick as possible the brothers running over to you two before you can come closer to each other. Ichimatsu slams his hand down so Todomatsu can't hold yours anymore.

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