Part Eight: Ichi kitty and Choro cat

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When you returned back with Osomatsu he forget something and rushed quickly away. You waved goodbye to him with a sweet smile. Causing Osomatsu to blush frustrated while he ran off. But when you walked up the stairs and didn't thought of anything bad a cat walked out of the room where you seven sleep together.

When you saw the small fluff ball your yes started to sparkle. Now you sit in the middle of the hallway while you pet the small cat with an dreamy face. The cat doesn't mind at all getting pet by you.

'It's so cute~! I really wonder where this small fluffy ball comes from~! But as long as I can pet it I'm totally fine with it to not known where it's coming from~!' While you pet the cat someone walks out of the bathroom.

Ichimatsu was at first with the cat, but he needed to use the bathroom. So he left the cat for a few minutes alone while he did his own business. But Ichimatsu didn't expected to see you. How you sit on the floor with a cat in your lap and looking so cute with this smile on your face.

Ichimatsu stares at you with half closed eyes while a blush grows on his face. You notice the stares and look now to Ichimatsu. He in return flinch and quickly looks away from you. 'Shit! She saw me staring! Now (y/n)-chan thinks of me as a creep! She will call me a creep and doesn't want to talk with trash like me anymore! I want to-' But before Ichimatsu can end his thoughts you call out for him.

"Ichi? Is this your cat?" You ask curious. Ichimatsu flinch and looks a bit scared now at you. But he can collect himself and walks hesitating over to you. "No. It lives on the street." Ichimatsu mumbles to the side. Avoiding eye contact with you. "Really? This cute thing here?" You ask surprised and look down at the cat. Not stopping to pet it.

Ichimatsu hums and sit down next to you. Pulling his legs up, hugging them close to his chest while not looking at you. "Then ... what is a street cat doing here? I thought they're afraid of humans?" You ask confused. "I ... feed them ... every day." Ichimatsu doesn't really know how to talk with you. He's scared that you will end up calling him a creep, insane or worst. In other words, Ichimatsu don't want to get hated by you.

"Really~?" Now Ichimatsu looks a bit at you. Your eyes sparkling while you look so amazed Ichimatsu. He in return is blushing from your cuteness. "Wow Ichi you're such a nice person~! Feeding every day the cats on the street so they don't have to starve~! I thought at first you were nice Ichi, but now I think of you as the kindest person ever~!"

Ichimatsu is a blushing mess from all your praises. He quickly put his hood up and pull it with his hands down so you can't see his face anymore. You look surprised at him, but smile softly. You raise one hand up. "?!"

Ichimatsu flinch when he suddenly sees your hands near his face. You slipped your hand under the hood and ruffle softly the hair from Ichimatsu now. He let go of the hood and looks now at you with widen eyes.

"You know Ichi, I would never hate you and if you want to ask me things don't overthink it. I'll tell you when I feel uncomfortable. So Ichi ... don't be afraid and just ask. I would do whatever I can to make you happy. Even if you want me to stay away from you, I would do it." You smile softly at Ichimatsu. He in return can't believe someone like you, who is so nice and kind to trash like him, really exist.

When you pull your hand away Ichimatsu quickly hold your arm by your wrist up. Causing you to hum confused. "Can..." Ichimatsu gulps and ask a bit shaking: "Can you ... pet me, (y/n)-chan?" You look surprised at Ichimatsu. His face turned red like a lobster and he looks a bit scared of your answer. But you gave him a soft smile and say: "Of course. Just lay your head onto my lap."

~And then...~
When Ichimatsu purred suddenly in your lap after you petted him so gently he run away with a heavy blush on his face. Since you were alone after Ichimatsu left while screaming you thought you can take a small walk outside. You looked around the area when you were outside and spotted a wild Choromatsu. He looked so happy when he stood with a few more people in a line. So you got curious and walked over to him.

"Choro?" You tap from the side his shoulder softly. Choromatsu looks now over to you. "(Y-Y/n)-chan?! Wha-What are y-y-you doing here?!" Choromatsu ask really nervous. You giggle and say with a smile: "Well, I saw you standing here. And since you are an important person to me I got curious and wanted to ask you, what'cha doing here?" Choromatsu's face turns red when he heard that you think of him as an important person.

"W-Well I-" But before Choromatsu can say more someone interrupts them. "Are you two together here?" A man ask suddenly. Getting your attention. "Um ... y-yeah! Sh-She's wi-with me!" Choromatsu said panicked with a huge blush across his face. The man hums and said: "You can go inside. I guess you two have your tickets. Next." "E-Eh?"

Before you can even ask what's going on Choromatsu quickly takes your hand and pulls you with him inside the building. You two walk inside a place with a stage. "Choro what-" "D-Do you like concerts, (y/n)-chan?!" Choromatsu ask panicked, really nervous. "Um ... d-depends on." "N-Nyaa-chan i-is giving a c-c-concert a-and um ... I-I'm sorry tha-that I f-forced you with me to come i-i-inside here! Y-Y-You can go i-i-if you want!"

Choromatsu looks away from you. But he completely forgot that he is still holding your hand. So when you give his hand a light squeeze Choromatsu flinch and looks at you again. You smile softly at Choromatsu and say: "It's okay Choro. I don't mind seeing an idol show with you. Besides, I got here inside for free. So it would be a waist if I didn't use this chance."

The light turning off and Nyaa-chan steps onto stage. But Choromatsu can't focus at all right now. You still hold his hand while watching Nyaa-chan. 'Aaaaaaah!! How can she be so cute?! Seriously, this must be a dream! No one can be so nice and cute at the same time! (Y/n)-chan is just too cute to handle! And she's still holding my hand! Doesn't she think I sweat too much?! And she even looks like she enjoys Nyaa-chan for real! I want to hug (y/n)-chan so badly, but I don't want to look like a per-'

Suddenly you lift your arms up. Lifting Choromatsu's one arm up too since you still hold his hand. With that you get Choromatsu out of his thoughts and earning his attention. You try to sing along, even if you don't know the lyrics. While you do that you smile so happy that in Choromatsu's eyes you look right now like an angel.

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