Part Nine: Near death(?) and Totoko

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"We're so sorry (y/n)-chan!! Please forgive us!!" The sextuplets bowing down in front of your feet on their knees. You just look at them caught off guard. "Um ... what?" You ask smiling unsure.

"We promised you to go with you today into town to show you a few places, but we forgot that we already had a date with someone!" Osomatsu explains panicked. "Please forgive us!" Karamatsu begs. You look at the sextuplets surprised. 'To be honest I totally forgot this too.' You think to yourself with a dumbfounded smile.

"Hey, it's okay guys." You say with a small smile. The brothers lifting their heads slowly up. Not really believing you. "If you already have plans with a close friend or anything I don't want to stay in your way. Besides, I'm not running away. So don't worry about me and go with your girl friend on a date." You hold a thumb up with a smile.

The sextuplets blushing slightly and getting up from their knees. "Hngh?!" Without a warning, the brothers hugging you suddenly so tightly. You hesitate at first, but try to hug them back. Not really knowing why they hug you.

When the brothers left, you decided to do something on your own outside. But you waited ten minutes to make sure they left. Now, with Karamatsu's blue overall and a black t-shirt, you make your way outside. Since the zipper wasn't able to get over your chest you bind the sleeves around your waist.

You walk through the town with your hands inside your pockets. Karamatsu was offering you a pair of his sunglasses after you two had a talk under four eyes. You took them, because you think of them as cool. That's why you wear them. In your mouth you have a lollipop Jyushimatsu gave you before the others left. He didn't said a word. He only handed the sweet over to you. What was freaking you a bit out, because he didn't said a single word and just smiled at you.

Anyways. While you walk, you look around. 'It's so busy here. It reminds me a bit on my place. ... And me.' You see suddenly the Matsuno brothers. They follow a girl with two pig tails, a dark pink sweater, a green skirt and brown shoes. You hum while staring at the brothers with an deadpan expression. 'So they are cherry boys.'

~Time skip~
You walk out of an anime store. 'Well ... this was much more hentai than I expected.' You wipe the blood from your nose, lick it away and make your way again. That's when you spot six same faced boys carrying really much stuff while the girl from before walks with a happy smile forward.

' ... Hmmm, this girl remin-' Suddenly a truck honks. You look to the sound and ... the truck pass by pretty fast near your body. Because you looked over to the Matsuno brothers you didn't notice you were walking onto the road. Your face went completely pale and you stumble a few steps back. Your legs giving in and you fall back. Down onto your butt.

The Matsuno brothers who heard the truck looked into the direction automatically. But when they saw you on the road while looking to the truck their eyes widen. The moment the truck passed by they let go of all the boxes they carried for Totoko.

"(Y/n)-chan!!" You look down at your leg still under shock while your arms giving you the balance to sit. A few people looking at you if you are okay or need an ambulance. But when the sextuplets rushed over a crosswalk and over to you the people walking away. Since they seem to know you.

Karamatsu quickly gets down on one knee and looks at you. When he sees no injuries he is really relieved, just like the rest of the brothers. "(Y/n)-chan is every-?!" But when Karamatsu slide your bangs aside the boys were able to see your face.

You look in pure fear down at your legs while your eyes shimmering. "?!" You flinch when you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder. You look to the side and see Ichimatsu. "You oka-hngh?!" "Eh?!" Out of nowhere you crushed Ichimatsu into a tight hug. Ichimatsu can't really breathe, but he tries not to pass out from losing the air slowly.

You take a shaky breath in before letting it out again. You let go of Ichimatsu and say with a weak smile: "Thanks. I really needed this, Ichi." Ichimatsu's eyes widen and he opens his mouth.

"Hngh?!" Osomatsu hugs you now really tightly. "You can cry, (y/n)-chan! I'll be there for you and comfort if you need it! If you need a kiss I'll-arck!" Ichimatsu punched Osomatsu away from you and starts to fight with him in a cloud of dust. "You ruined everything!"

You smile a little. You hum and look at the hand who gets offered to you. When you see Choromatsu you take his hand and he helps you up from the ground. "Are you alright?" Todomatsu ask worried. "Yeah. But it looks like I used all my luck for this year for this. Hopefully nothing awful happens from now on to me." You laugh a little flustered and scratch your back head.

But Jyushimatsu hugs you now. A quiet sigh leaves your nose before you hug him back. Karamatsu in the meantime holds Ichimatsu apart from Osomatsu. The poor red Matsu boy is already bleeding. "Who's this girl?"

The brothers tensing up when they hear the voice from Totoko. They completely forgot about her, but they don't know why. Just in the moment they saw you they were forgetting about Totoko in just one second. Jyushimatsu quickly lets you go of you. When you turn to Totoko, both of you squinting their eyes to look closer at one another.

"Eh? (Y/n)-chan?" Totoko ask really surprised. You snap your fingers and say with a smile: "Totoko-chan! Now I remember you!" "Eh?" Totoko walks over to you and grabs your hands. "What are you doing here~? Do you still remember my concert~?" Totoko ask dreamy.

'Ugh! Totoko-chan's concert is tomorrow. Right in time when the sextuplets wanted to show me the town completely. ... Meh.' "Of course I remember, Totoko-chan. But I didn't thought you know the sextuplets."

"W-Wait! Hold on!" You two girls humming confused and looking now at the Matsuno brothers. "W-Where do you know each other?!" Todomatsu ask panicked. "Oh, it was a coincidence. I was walking thought the town and saw how Totoko-chan was singing. And since the concert with Choro together I'm a fan from Totoko-chan now~."

The brothers glaring at Choromatsu now, while he's blushing. Remember this day really good. "And (y/n)-chan is such a nice girl~. She's my first fan who likes me for real~." "A-And what is with us?!" Osomatsu ask shocked. Totoko stares at him with an blanked expression before pulling you suddenly with her.

"(Y/n)-chan do you want to spend the day with me~? I can show you around~. You have to know, I know the best places~." Totoko isn't even waiting for your answer and already dragging you with her. You look back to the brothers who are staring at you in pure shock.

You make a peace sign with a sly smirk on your lips before walking a bit faster. Only to walk next to Totoko.

'She's stealing us Totoko-chan?!'

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