Part Twenty: A broken picture frame

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A/N: This Japanese artist avogado6 is a really good one and his pictures make you think, so I wanted to support him a little bit. Hope you don't mind it - w-

The video is from violet evergarden and the lyrics with the MAD/AMV is really heart killing (in my eyes). You can play the video if you want and I'll tell you when you should play it.

Enjoy ^ w^///

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You hold the hand from your father and stand with him near a grocery store. He crouch down to you and hold 10 $ out to you. "(Y/n), how about you go this time without me in the grocery store? You think you can do this?" Your father ask with a soft smile. Your eyes starting to sparkle. "Yes! I'm a big girl, so I can do this!" You take the money while looking excited down on it. Since you are 7 years old is this for you adult money. Your father ruffles your head softly before getting up again. "Then go ahead. Bye." Your father starts to walk back to the car. "See you later, daddy!" You wave with a happy smile before walking on your own and with determination in your eyes into the grocery store.

The cold air hits your small, warm body. A shiver runs down your spine, but you walk with the list your mother made to the groceries you need. Since she gave it to you, your father only gave you the money. "Okay. I need Hmmm ... oh yeah, the round red things." You huff, take a small basket for kids and make your way over to the vegetables.

This goes on for a while. You search for everything until you have all in the basket. You stand by the cash register and get the rest money back, along with the food. It wasn't really much you need to buy. With that, you also bought the candy your father likes really much. Since it stood on the list you want to give it to him by the car before you drive back home.

But when you were outside you didn't saw your father anywhere. You looked around the whole parking lot, but you didn't saw him. So you sat down on the ground by the grocery store and wait for him. Time passed by and the sun starts to go down slowly. You hug your legs tightly against your chest while looking at your feet. To your luck it's summer and not a cold season. Or else your light brown summer dress would be not enough for keeping your body warm.

"Hello, little girl." "Huh?" You look up and see two men you never saw before. Both of them are from the police, but you never got in contact with them so you don't know their uniform. One of them crouch down and smiles friendly at you. "Say, where are your parents?" You cover back while looking a bit scared away. "M-My mommy said not to ... talk with strangers." You mumble shyly to the ground. "Oh, your mommy must be a really good mommy. And where is she?" You shut your eyes tightly and shake your head no. Both men exchanging a worried glance.

"Say, do you know where you live? Or the telephone number from your home?" The other police officer ask with a slight smile. You only put your arms over your head and huddle yourself more together.

~At home~
After a close friend from your school saw you, their parents told them who you are and where you live. The police called your mother and a half hour later she picked you up. Now, you are back home. Your mother put you into bed, but you sneaked out and peek now into the living room. "How could you let your own daughter alone?! (Y/n) could get kidnapped from some pedophile! The police wanted to send the youth welfare office to us, but to my luck I've never done something! Did you even had a good reason for letting her alone?!" Your mother ask angry your father.

" ... I just don't want her anymore." Your father says coldly. Your mother stares at your father speechless, while tears welling up in your eyes. You hug your plushie closer to your chest. "What did you just say?" "You heard me. I don't want this kid anymore. You know I've always wanted a boy, but when we found out it was a girl you still wanted to keep her. I can't see this kid anymore and wanted to get rid off it by this, but it seems like I gave her too much clothes."

A slap sound echoes in the living room, causing you to flinch and to look back inside. Your mother slapped your father right into his face. "You're disgusting. Leave this house! I never want to see you again!" Your father glares at your mother and raise a fist up. "No! Don't hurt mommy!" You yell panicked and run into the room. Your mother looks at you and your father glares now down at you. "Ouch!"

He punch you onto your head. "You damn brat. Don't-" "Leave! Now! And don't you ever dare to touch (y/n) again! You are not worth it to get called a father!" Your mother yells angry and kicks your father into his butt out of the house. Tears starting to roll down your face while you press your hands down onto the place where your father hit you. But that's when you see a family picture of you with your parents together.

It fell down to the ground.

Pieces of broken glass lays on the ground and the frame is broke too. You sniff and walk over to the picture. That you step into a glass piece doesn't get send to your brain. You pick it up and see that the pictures got crumbled a bit and it has a small hole.

(A/N: Play now the song)

A week later, your father picked his stuff up and drove with the truck away. You watched everything from outside, because your mother doesn't wanted you to come outside. When the truck drove away you watched until he disappeared. After time passed, you lay now in your bed. "Goodnight, (y/n)." Your mother smiles warmly at you and gives you a kiss on the forehead. She turns around and walks over to your door. " ... Mommy?" Your mother hums and looks over her shoulder. You sit up and look with teary eyes at her.

"Is there another truck coming to us tomorrow? Will the truck ... take you away too, mommy?" The eyes from your mother widens and tears suddenly leaving her eyes. You want to say something, but your mother runs over to you and hugs you tightly. "There's not another truck coming tomorrow. Your mommy isn't going away. I'll be always ... here, (y/n)." Tears dripping down onto your pajama while your mother holds back her sobs. Your own tears rolling down your face while your small hands gripping the pullover from your mother tightly. You start to cry while burring your face into your mother's chest.

~A few years later~
You work now, but you took a day off today to visit your mother. She got really sick and lays in the hospital. Night time rolled in and you two sit together on a small bench in the hospital. You lean against your mother and fall asleep. She smiles softly and lays her hand down onto yours.

"(Y/n), I know you can't hear me now because you're sleeping, but ... I'm so glad you grow up as such a strong woman. You never did as a child what I told you to and you were giving me so much trouble, but I'm happy to saw you growing up. I may was often a hot-head when it came to you and other kids bulling you and you knew I only wanted the best for you, but ... well, I don't really know what to tell you. There are so much things I still want to see. Seeing you find your soulmate who loves you as much as you do, seeing you raising up your own children and seeing you in a wedding dress or whatever you want to wear. I have so much things to say tell you, but I don't have time anymore for that. (Y/n), I love you and I'll always do, even when I'm not around anymore. And you know what?"

A tear rolls down from your mother face while she smiles weakly. "You were my light after I left your father. You were shining so bright whenever you smiled at me, so (y/n) ... please, don't ever lose this smile."

On this day, your mother died with a smile on her face and you cried after reading her letter to you. Along with a new family photo from you both, were you looked so flustered after wearing a dress a long time again.

~Flashback end~

The sextuplets staring at you, while tears rolling down their cheeks. You raise your hand to your face, before mumbling weakly out: "I need ... to be alone for a while. I'm sorry, but don't worry please." With that, you quickly run away.

Even if you said you want to be alone, one of the brothers knows you were lying.

" ... I'll go home alone. See you later."

And with that, the certain Matsu boy runs into a different direction.

For some reason, he knows where you are.

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