Part Six: The Jyushimatsu incident

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Jyushimatsu wanted to swing with his baseball bat a few times. Since he woke up earlier today he thought why not doing a bit training in the morning.

But he didn't expected to see you. Just in a sport bra with shorts and simple running shoes. When Jyushimatsu saw you his baseball bat slipped out of his hands. And a huge blush was blooming onto his face.

Now you two sit together on the wooden bench outside. You have a towel hanging down from your neck. So you can wipe the sweat away from your face. "I-I um ... I di-didn't thought y-you um ... y-you're d-doing sport, (y-y/n)-chan."

Jyushimatsu tries not to stare down at your chest. But he really has a hard time. Jyushimatsu is pressing his legs hard together and his hands down into his crotch to avoid that you can the bulge.

You chuckle and say with an happy smile: "Well, I didn't really wanted to run. But after I gained so much weight when I started drawing and not moving one inch my mother throw me out of the house. She stepped in her car and was driving next to me. Just to make sure I'm running." You laugh now dumbfounded smiling. Thinking back on this memories.

Jyushimatsu hums nervously. Nodding his head while looking away. Sweat beads running down his face while he hold his breath in. You sigh lightly to yourself. "Don't you want to talk with me, Jyushimatsu?" You ask a bit sad.

"E-Eh?! I-I want! But um ... I-I'm just tired!" Jyushimatsu looks now really nervous at you. But when he see the sad look on your face who tells him that you don't believe him his smile fades a bit.

"Oh really!?" "?!" You suddenly slap with your one hand at Jyushimatsu's pretty hard. "Why didn't you said this earlier?! Sorry for holding you back Jyushimatsu!" You laugh a bit and stand up.

You walk humming happily the few steps over to the front door. Jyushimatsu has his mouth closed. But is still a bit smiling at you. '(Y/n)-chan is really another girl.'

~A bit later~
Since Jyushimatsu saw you in a bra, I guess, he really has a hard time to look at you now. It makes him nervous as hell when he just looks at your face. Jyushimatsu's eyes wondering automatically down to your chest and he gets a hard one.

That's why Jyushimatsu was using the bathroom three times this day already. Why isn't he going out? Well, a storm started when he wanted to leave. And he stuck with his brothers and you now in the house. The parents are out so looks like they will not return anytime soon.

You cooked lunch since Osomatsu was begging you. He even hugged your one leg while you walked down the hallway. Now you seven are sitting together. Eating the curry you made. The brothers really looking right now if they taste heaven. But Jyushimatsu can't focus at all of the food.

And since you're not dumb you notice it. "Jyushimatsu? Is everything okay?" The poor boy flinch from your sudden voice. Jyushimatsu swallows the curry down and looks at you with a nervous smile. His mouth closed.

That gets the whole attention from the others of course. It's rare to see Jyushimatsu with his mouth closed smiling. It only happens when something serious is going on in his head.

"Does it taste bad? I can cook you something else if you want." You smile. "Eh~? I want to have a special meal from you too (y/n)-chan~." Osomatsu whines. But only gets a hit with the elbow from Choromatsu in the side. "Urgh!" "I...It taste good, (y/n)-chan." Jyushimatsu looks quickly down at his plate. Poking now the food.

You hum. "Really? Since we two talked you avoiding me. ... Did I do something wrong? I did this often so I'm not really noticing it anymore." You ask now worried. Jyushimatsu shakes his head no. He quickly eat everything from his plate. "Thank you for the food."

After clapping his hands together Jyushimatsu stands up and walks quickly with the plate and spoon out of the living room. You sigh quietly and look down at your plate now. A little sad.

Ichimatsu stands up and walks out of the living room too. He walks over to the kitchen. Before Jyushimatsu can leave it Ichimatsu stands in his way. Leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms. "Wanna talk about something?" Ichimatsu ask bored.

Jyushimatsu looks with a blush on his cheeks away from Ichimatsu. Nervously smiling. Ichimatsu hums and narrow his eyes. "Did something happened between you and (y/n)-chan?"

Jyushimatsu starts to laugh nervously while scratching with one hand his back head. Avoiding eye contact with Ichimatsu. But before Ichimatsu can ask more you step into the kitchen. "Jyushimatsu. I think I know why you're avoiding me." You say serious. Crossing your arms over your chest and closing your eyes.

"Y-You do?!" Jyushimatsu ask a little panicked. Having now a huge blush across his face while starting to sweat. You hum and nod your head.

You snap your fingers and say: "You're mad at me that you lost your baseball bat because of me." "Eh?" Now Jyushimatsu stares at you really perplexed. You put your hands at your hips and huff. "I can understand this. After I scared you from behind you let your baseball bat go and it fall somewhere around the house. But don't worry! I pick it up from outside before the storm started!"

You hold with a proud smile the baseball bat up. "It has a little scratch, but it's so small you can't even see it!" Jyushimatsu stares at you with widen eyes. "Next time we can play together baseball if you want. I never played it, but when I saw you swinging the baseball bat so happy I don't know. I want to try it out too somehow." You chuckle and twirl the baseball bat around.

But it was too strong what caused you to almost let it falling down to the ground. But you quickly caught it before it could fall down. Ichimatsu looks at you smirking evilly while nudging you with his elbow. You blush a bit from embarrassment while laughing flustered.

"?!" Jyushimatsu hugs you suddenly. Ichimatsu is surprised he really dares to do this. Because that's the first time one of the brothers hug you without your permission. " ... Thank you, (y/n)-chan."

Jyushimatsu let go of you smiles happy again. Looking into your eyes. You stare at Jyushimatsu with an blanked expression before smiling softly. "Every time again, Jyushi."

The others got curious since Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu and you were gone for too long. So they walked out of the living room and made their way over to the kitchen. That's when they heard you giving Jyushimatsu a nick name.

The five gasping in pure shock while Jyushimatsu has a huge blush across his face again. Looking nervous smiling to the side. "Why did you gave Jyushimatsu a nickname (y/n)-chan?! I want one too!"

Osomatsu grabs you by your shoulders. By this he pushed Jyushimatsu aside to face you. " ... If you want I can call you Oso from now on." You smile innocently. "You're so cute (y/n)-chan~!" "?!"

Osomatsu hugs you now really tight while his arms are around your waist. Rubbing your hips with his hands up and down. "Oi!! Stop touching (y/n)-chan like that, shitty oldest!!"

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