Part Five: Six favorite styles

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"That looks perfect (y/n)-chan~!" Osomatsu coos happy and hugs your tightly from the side. You only laugh a bit sweaty. "Oi! That doesn't even count as an outfit, you pervert!" Choromatsu's right. Osomatsu's outfit is a white shirt (which hugs your body pretty tightly), a red skirt who's really short and black knee socks. It looks more like a school girl uniform.

"You're just jealous because (y/n)-chan likes my outfit." Osomatsu pouts. "I didn't heard anything about it~." Ichimatsu smirks evilly. "Eh?" Now Osomatsu looks quickly at you. "Um ... m-maybeee ... s-something that isn't showing so much off, Osomatsu?" You ask with a sweat smile while avoiding eye contact.

Now Osomatsu is down on his knees and hands while a really depressed aura is around him. The other five smirking evilly while you think about how to cheer Osomatsu up. "Um ... O-Osomatsu how a-about um ... y-you look for something different? I-I'll put it on of course."

After you changed Osomatsu walked away with a pout. He can't really understand why you don't want to wear his choose. So next on the list is Karamatsu. When you have it on you come out with an dumbfounded smile.

"What did you picked out, Karamatsu-niisan?!" Todomatsu and the others covering their eyes quickly. Karamatsu picked out a blue shiny tank top along with shiny golden pants.

"Heh. I think it suits you pretty well, Karamatsu girl." Karamatsu said with a cool smirk. Ichimatsu push you inside the cabinet and said with a dark expression before he shut the door: "You take this off."

With fear in your mind you took the clothes pretty quickly off and told Karamatsu the same thing. He too is now back on stage and can't understand why his brothers don't like his style. You didn't looked so unwell when you had it on.

Since Karamatsu is out too you put on Choromatsu's outfit. When you step out the other three are at least relieved on of their oldest brother choose something normal. You have a light green pullover on where the sleeves are a bit too long and dark green jeans. All in all it's pretty simple, but looks good on you.

"At least Choromatsu-niisan choose something normal." Todomatsu sighs in relieve. "It's really pretty, Choromatsu. Thank you." You say with a sweet smile. Choromatsu's face turns red and he looks with a nervous smile down at his legs.

"Y-You think so, (y/n)-chan?" You hum with a nod while still smiling. But someone quickly stands himself in front of you. "I have a new outfit for you
(y/n)-chan~!" Osomatsu coos happy. "Ah um ... that's nice Osomatsu. But at first you need to wait."

"Ehhh~? Why~?" Osomatsu starts to whine around. You take the clothes out of Osomatsu's hands and said with a smile: "Because Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu are the next one." You walk back into the cabinet and take the clothes off with a light sigh.

Not a few minutes later you come out again. Ichimatsu's outfit is a black hoodie with cat ears on the hood and a purple fish on the middle. With that you wear a dark purple skirt and black knee socks. You put the hood up for Ichimatsu.

"You look cute (y/n)-chan!" Jyushimatsu said happy and throwed his arms up in the air. The other four nodding their heads. You laugh softly and say: "All thanks to Ichimatsu." "E-Eh?!" Ichimatsu quickly looks away while a blush goes visible on his cheeks. You smirk a little before walking over to him.

Leaning your upper body to the side while holding your hands behind your back. "Ichimatsu~." You coo happy. Ichimatsu only pulls his hood over his head and hide his face more. 'He's so adorable~.'

Karamatsu comes back and before he can say something you take the clothes. "Your outfit before, I liked it, Karamatsu. They were an eye catcher." You smile and walk back into the cabinet. Karamatsu isn't showing it, but he's really happy about what you said right now.

A few minutes passed by and you walk out again. Jyushimatsu's outfit is a white shirt with a light yellow cardigan and light blue jeans. "Weird. I feel so sporty." You chuckle and look down at you. "You look really good in this (y/n)-chan."

"Can't you wear short pants instead or a skirt
(y/n)-chan?" Osomatsu ask curious. "But if I do this, it wouldn't be the outfit Jyushimatsu picked out. And I love it already too much to change it." You smile innocently. Causing Jyushimatsu to blush.

After that you put on Todomatsu's outfit. But honestly you hesitate a while before walking out of the cabinet. You wear a while pink outfit. A light pink shirt who ends near your belly, a pink (who's a bit darker) skirt and light pink knee socks.

"You look so cute (y/n)-chan~." Todomatsu coos happy. "Uwa, that's even more horrible than mine." Osomatsu said with a pale face. "Eh?!" "Agree." The others saying a bit disgusted. Todomatsu looks now with an pleading face at you.

But you smile a little weak while looking away. "S-Sorry, Todomatsu. But ... pink isn't really my color." Todomatsu sighs sadly, but can see now you're not wrong.

So you change back and put on Osomatsu's new outfit on. You give Todomatsu the others before he walks quickly away. You wear now a black pullover and a dark red skirt who ends now by your knees. Osomatsu thought twice about his choice.

He realize that, if he let you wear something that shows too much off, some other guy would come up to you and might steal his chance to graduating from being a virgin. So he pick something that shows a bit off, but not too much.

"You like it (y/n)-chan~?" Osomatsu ask smirking. You quickly nod your head. "Yes! It's so comfy instead of the other one! Thank you so much Osomatsu!" You beam with such an happy smile that bright light is coming from you.

Hitting Osomatsu really critically along with the other four. They didn't thought your smile is bright like the sunlight. With that you walk back into the cabinet.

After putting on Karamatsu's new outfit the others are really surprised. You wear a dark blue pullover with a red button on the left side (near your heart) and blue shorts. Nothing sparkly or anything.

You take suddenly Karamatsu's hands, causing him to flinch slightly. "Your other outfit was beautiful too, Karamatsu." You smile innocently. "But didn't it hurt your eyes, (y/n)-chan?" Ichimatsu ask with a pale face.

You hum before saying: "Not really. When I was little I looked into the sun for a while. I wasn't able to see anything for a week." You smile now dumbfounded while looking away. "Why aren't you holding hands with me (y/n)-chan?" Osomatsu ask with a pout.

You let out an 'Oh' before letting go of Karamatsu's hands again. "Sorry Karamatsu, I forgot." But Karamatsu glares now at Osomatsu. Just in this moment Todomatsu comes back. He's really surprised too to see you in a normal outfit that Karamatsu picked out.

So you change into Todomatsu's new outfit. This time it's a baby blue shirt, a light pink cardigan and a blue skirt. Honestly, the brothers think you looked in every outfit cute. Okay, not in everything. But you didn't showed the boys your sport outfit. Why? Because you didn't thought to waste their time with this. I mean, it's a simple sport outfit for running, right?

After you payed for everything since you're the one who has the money. Matsuyo didn't really trusted their sons with so much money. Now you seven are on the way back to the Matsuno household.

You carry three bags full with clothes while the brothers walking next to you. You decided to buy underwear on your own. Not because the six are perverts. The reason is, you're scared that they will pass out by seeing so much girls underwear. And you don't have the strength to carry six grown up men to their home.

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