Part Four: Waifu material and clothes

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You woke up five in the morning. Why? Because your body isn't used to it to sleep that long. After you saw the sextuplets sleeping soundless you remember that you stuck now for a while with them. So you get quietly up, stepped out of the room and make your way quietly over to the kitchen.

You're cooking since you were eight so you don't have a single problem. You braid your hair up into a messy bun and grabbed a few things out of the fridge. You didn't wanted to wake up anyone so you slid the kitchen door shut.

You cook a whole breakfast for eight people in Japanese style. For the parents and for the sextuplets while you already ate instant ramen. You're daily breakfast honestly.

Matsuyo stood up to prepare breakfast, but when she heard someone is already cooking she got curious. Could it be that one of her sons is trying to grow up?


Matsuyo slide the door carefully open. You hear the sound of the door and look over your shoulder with half closed eyes. "Oh, good morning Mrs. Matsuno." You gave her a sweet smile but turn your attention back to the eggs. "(Y-Y/n) um ... a-are you ... making breakfast?" Matsuyo ask with a shaking voice.

"Hm? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know if I was allowed to touch here anything. But I didn't wanted to wake you up and ... I-I'm truly sorry." You turn around and bow down with your upper body.

Matsuyo walks over to the one plate that looks done. "Can I taste it?" Matsuyo ask with a calm voice really serious. "E-Eh? A-Ah um ... o-of course. I mean for what is food if it isn't for getting eaten, right?" You laugh awkwardly. Matsuyo grab the chopsticks and take a bite from the fish.

She takes a big breath in after swallowing the food, turns around to you and ... takes suddenly your hands. She even get down onto her knees. "Please marry one of my NEETs!" Matsuyo pleads under tears. "E-Eh?" Your cheeks turning red while you look down at her really unsure.

"U-Um ... p-please don't do that, Mrs. Matsuno! Y-You don't need to get down onto your knees!" You say panicked and help her up. "Th-That sounds r-really ... l-like something. B-But um ... the one who has to choose who they love and who they want to marry is the choice from your sons, r-right? A-And if I say y-yes then ... t-that doesn't feel right for me." You try to explain.

Matsuyo stares at you before tears starting to roll down her face. "E-Eh?! Di-Did I say something wrong?! I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to-" Matsuyo hugs you suddenly. "You're such a lovely girl! I wish for you to be my daughter in law!" Matsuyo cries on your shoulder. "E-Eh?!"

~And then...~
After Matsuyo calmed down she walked into the bathroom. Now she has much free time and this after such a long time. You placed everything down on the living room table and the kitchen table.

The brothers woke up from the smell of food while Matsuzo needed to stand up for work. After Matsuyo came out of the bathroom you get inside to wash your face and everything while the Matsuno family sits by the tables and eating the breakfast.

"Kaa-san, the food taste good. Did you changed something?" Choromatsu ask curious. Matsuyo laughs dreamily and said: "I didn't cooked today's breakfast~!" "Hm? Then ... who was it?" Karamatsu ask confused.

"Our future daughter in law~!" Matsuyo coos happy. Making Matsuzo confused, but the brothers thinking of what their mother means.

"?!" When they remember that you are here now their face turns ruby red. "(Y-Y/n)-chan cooked this?!" The brothers asking shocked. Matsuyo hums and drinks the tea you made. "Oh, she did? Well, her cooking is really good for a daughter in law. But yours is better." Matsuzo smiles to his wife. Causing Matsuyo to blush and laugh softly.

Now the sextuplets staring down at their half eaten food. Right now they're eating food that a girl cooked. A real girl. Yep. Now you're perfect waifu material.

You sneeze and sniff. Rubbing your index finger under your nose while you turn back to the sink to wash your hands. 'Did someone talked about me?' You think confused.

~And then...~
Since you will need a few clothes they don't look on you like a sack Matsuyo gave you money. This time you wear the green jumpsuit from Choromatsu and the white shirt from Osomatsu under it. You weren't able to zip it up completely. Your chest was too big for it so you bind the sleeves around your waist to make it not so obvious.

When the sextuplets heard about this they took you quickly out after you were ready. Now you seven are in a store. Looking for clothes you would look good on you. You look around too.

While the brothers searching for something in their color you look at a few sport clothes. 'Hmmm ... I need a sport bra. Since I always sit more around than walking around I run a few rounds. I mean, I eat much and I have a bit fat. So I need to avoid to look like a round ball you can roll around the area. And it's just like what athletes wear for track and field. Sooo ... a sport bra and short pants will make it. I don't really need running shoes, but if they're cheap I think it's okay to buy them.'

You grab a black sports bra and black, short sport pants. You look down at the bra and the pants. 'Hmmm ... should be fitting.' "(Y/n)-chan!?" When you hear the sextuplets calling out to you, you look up. Looking around for one of the faces.

When you spot Jyushimatsu who is waving with his arm at you, you smile a little. Walking away from the sport clothes and over to them. "What is-" Before you can even ask the brothers throwing their outfits at you.

"E-Eh?!" "Try it on (y/n)-chan~!" Osomatsu coos happy and push you forward. Getting followed from the other five with a happy look in their face. "Uah!" You get pushed into an empty cabinet. The door gets shut and the brothers sitting down on the long bench by the cabinets. Waiting now like good little boys for you.

You don't know why, but you can't help it. You smile a little. 'Let's see what they got. I can't be that bad, right? I hope so.' A soft, quiet sigh leaves your lips before you lay down all of the clothes carefully. And taking your clothes off now.

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