Part Two: Phone number and bathhouse

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You seven sit together in a cafe by a round table. When you sat down first the others pushed each other away to sit next to you. In the end Osomatsu and Ichimatsu made it. To your left Osomatsu and to your right Ichimatsu. While the others sending them death glares, who are getting returned with evil smirks, you press the cold glass with juice at your cheek.

"And (l/n)-san? What did you do before you came here?" Todomatsu ask with a cute smile. You hum and close your eyes. Relaxing from the cold against your burning cheek. "I'm about to end high school."

"Eh?" Now the brothers staring at you really speechless. "H-How ... old are you?" Osomatsu ask carefully. Sliding a bit away from you. "I'm 17." 'We can't touch her at all!' Sweat beads running down from their faces.

" ... I'm just kidding." You laugh softly. The brothers falling a bit to the side. "I worked as an mangaka and illustrator. And no worries, I'm actually 21. So old enough for alcohol." "Don't do this every again." Osomatsu says with a pale face. "Y-You draw manga, (l-l/n)-san?" Choromatsu ask a little nervous, also excited. You hum and drink from the straw your juice now. "A-And what exactly?"

You stop drinking and stare now at Choromatsu with a blanked expression. " ... Our relationship is not so deep that I can tell you this now, Matsuno-san." You say with this blanked expression. "E-Eh?" You stand up and smile again. "I need to use the bathroom for a sec. Be back in a few minutes~!" And with that you walk humming happily away.

"Look what you did! Because of you (l/n)-san left!" Todomatsu said angry. "Because if me?!" Choromatsu ask shocked. "Just because Chorofappsky is such an idol otaku he's scaring (l/n)-san off." Osomatsu huffs. "Oi!" "Ichimatsu-niisan, isn't that (l/n)-san's juice?" Jyushimatsu ask confused.

Now the others looking at him. Ichimatsu drinks from the only straw in the glass your juice empty. When Ichimatsu notice the shocked stares from the four he smirks, chuckles evilly and looks away with his eyes. "That counts as an indirect kiss! You disappoint me, buraza!" Karamatsu rips the glass out of Ichimatsu's hands. Earning a 'tch' from him.

Before the others can yell at each other you come back. "What's with this scary faces?" You ask smiling. "Nothing!" The brothers yelling in unsure. You just shrug and sit down in the chair. "Look what a waiter gave me." The sextuplets humming and getting almost an heart attack when they see you have a phone number. "A-And ... w-what do you w-want with it,
(l/n)-san?" Todomatsu ask with a pale face.

You hum and stare down at the note. Suddenly you hold the number out to him. "Eh?" "He asked me if I can give you the number, Matsuno-san. Here." Todomatsu takes the number while the others trying not to laugh. And they have a really hard time.

You notice that Karamatsu holds your juice glass in his one hand. You lean a bit over the table and take it out of his hand. "Why did you had my juice, Matsuno-san?" You ask confused smiling and bring the straw near your lips.


~Time skip~
After the brothers explained to their parents the situation they agreed for you to stay. Not just that they hope for something special they don't want to sat a girl out on the street. When dinner time rolled in you ate together. Then the sextuplets wanted to go to the bathhouse together with you. They explained you on the way what a bathhouse is and why they go there instead of taking a shower or bath at home. So you seven are entering the bathhouse.

You wave with a smile at the brothers before going into the women's side. The heart from the six virgin boys is melting. Just spending with you the whole day was so nice that they can't believe a girl like you exist. Someone who talks with them like normal and don't really get mad when they try to touch you. More like your hand or pulling you closer while laying an arm around you. You just laugh softly or smile at them.

The brothers sitting in the hot water. "Man~! I can't believe this cute girl will stay at our place now for a while~!" Osomatsu said dreamy. A bit blood is running down from his nose. Nobody wants to see what he's thinking right now. "And when we come home
(l/n)-san can sleep with us~." Todomatsu sighs in pure bliss. "Heh. I'm sure we all agree that (l/n)-san will sleep next to me." Karamatsu said cool smiling. "Ha?!"

Now the five looking pissed at him. "Who's saying she can sleep next to you?" Choromatsu ask annoyed. "Heh. ... All of you would just touch her." "And you not or what?!" Ichimatsu throws a wooden box at Karamatsu's head. Causing him to hiss in pain and fall with his head underwater. "We should (l/n)-san letting choose where she wants to sleep! By this she would be happier!" Jyushimatsu explains with a bright smile. "Sounds good." Ichimatsu said bored. The other three agree. Karamatsu just hold his thumb up.

While the brothers starting to talk about how you will look like right now (with nothing who hides your body) you can hear their conversation. Why? Because you seven are the last persons in the bathhouse and you don't make really much noises. You smile dumbfounded while sinking a bit more down into the warm water. 'I have the feeling I shouldn't hear this. Maybe if I tell them I can hear them? ... Better not. I don't want to disturb-'

But you hear something that change your mind. "Do you think I can touch her boobs when I hug her from behind?" "Please stop talking!! I can hear you six!!" You yell panicked. The face from the sextuplets turning ruby red. Now they feel ashamed and a bit fear that you'll stop talking with them for today after this. And holding a distance.

After you seven were done you changed back into your clothes. The brothers waiting outside by the entrance from the bathhouse. Because of your longer hair you need a bit more time to dry them probably. "Do you think (l/n)-san thinks of us as perverts now?" Todomatsu ask worried. "Probably." The six sighing really depressed. They messed up everything.

Or so they thought. You heard their conversation what gives you an idea. You walk on your tip toes behind Osomatsu since he turned his back to you. But the others don't notice you too.

You take quietly a big breath in, get up on your tip toes and ... "I'M DONE!!!" "AAAAAAHHHH!!!" The brothers jumping up and stepping away from you in fear. You chuckle evilly with a smirk on your lips. "Scared ya?" "What was that for?!" The sextuplets asking at the same time. A bit angry you can tell.

You snicker and start to walk. Passing by the brothers. "For the conversations I heard. Everything's clear now, so don't worry about it."

You wave one hand carefree. Not looking back. The sextuplets are really surprised. Looks like you aren't mad at all. They quickly follow you, walking next to you again.

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